U.S. Congress GIS Database

We're proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date GIS database for the 119th United States Congress. We've built it from the ground up by aggregating state-level data as approved by state legislatures due to redistricting after the 2020 Census.

  • Up-to-date: Data updated as of August 5, 2024 for the 119th Congress.
  • Comprehensive: All 435 congressional districts in the United States + DC (non-voting).
  • Accurate: Aggregated and cleaned from official sources.
  • Convenient: Border data provided as a Shapefile, GeoJSON file, and web-optimized SVG file.


Commercial useAllowedAllowed
ProjectionWGS84, Albers USAWGS84, Albers USA
File formatShapefile, SVGShapefile, GeoJSON, SVG
ResolutionLow ResolutionHigh Resolution
AttributionRequiredNot Required
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0Permissive, no redistribution
Future updatesNot guaranteedIncluded for 12 months
Refund policyN/A30-day guarantee
One-time feeFree$499
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Here are a few screenshots that visualize the GIS shapes.

All districts

Low-resolution free version

High-resolution paid version

All Fields

fieldname description Basic Comprehensive
id The id for each congressional district (e.g. AL01).
fips The fips code for each congressional district (e.g. 0101).
name The name of each congressional district (e.g. District 01).
geometry Not technically a field, but the shape of each district will be represented as a Polygon/Multipolygon in a format consistent with GIS file format.
congress The meeting/number of the congress (e.g. 119). It will be the same for all districts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the Congress that will be elected in November of 2024 and serve starting in January of 2025?

Yes. This is border data for the 119th Congress.

What changes were made between the 118th and 119th Congress?

We've updated congressional districts in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina to reflect changes mandated by the courts.

Can I get the border data for the 117th Congress (ending January 3, 2023) or the 118th Congress (ending January 3, 2025)?

Yes, we can provide this shape data for no additional charge upon purchase, just email us.

Do you offer this product as a customizable interactive map?

Yes, please see our HTML5 Congress Map.

Am I allowed to redistribute the database if I purchase a paid license?

No. You are not allowed to sell the database or make it publicly available. However, you can make copies and backups of the data. You are also allowed to query the database to power publicly facing applications. To learn more, read the full license terms.

Why should I trust this data?

This database was aggregated from authoritative sources and carefully processed by SimpleMaps. We've been developing and selling interactive maps to Fortune 500 companies and prominent international organizations for over 14 years. Over this time, we've learned a lot about geographic data. To get a sense of the expertise and support we offer, check out some of the testimonials from our happy customers.

If I use the free database, what type of attribution is required?

If you use the Basic (free) database, you must link back to this page:
from a public webpage where you are using the data. If you want to use the data internally, you must link back to this page from your firm's website on a page that can be easily found though links on the root domain. The link must be clearly visible to the human eye.

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