We're proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date database of United States cities and towns. We've built it from the ground up using authoritative sources such as the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Census Bureau.
Databases | Basic | Pro | Comprehensive |
Commercial use | Allowed | Allowed | Allowed |
File format | CSV, Excel | CSV, Excel, SQL | CSV, Excel, SQL |
All Census-recognized cities/towns | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Unincorporated populated places | No | Yes | Yes |
Number of entries | 32,254 | 109,071 | 109,071 |
Fields (listed below) | Basic fields | More fields | All fields |
Future updates | Not guaranteed | Included for 12 months | Included for 24 months |
Attribution | Required | Not required | Not required |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | Permissive, no redistribution | Permissive, no redistribution |
Refund policy | N/A | 30-day guarantee | 30-day guarantee |
One-time fee | Free | $99 | $199 |
Buy Now! | Buy Now! |
Here is a visualization of the data in the continental United States in our paid databases:
Here is a sample of rows from the database with some commonly used fields:
*income_household_median (shortened for space)
fieldname | description | Basic | Pro | Comp. |
city |
The name of the city/town. | |||
city_ascii |
city as an ASCII string. |
city_alt |
Alternative name of the city/town. (e.g. Saint Louis) | |||
lat |
The latitude of the city/town. | |||
lng |
The longitude of the city/town. | |||
state_id |
The state or territory's USPS postal abbreviation. | |||
state_name |
The name of the state or territory that contains the city/town. | |||
county_fips |
The 5-digit FIPS code for the primary county. The first two digits correspond to the state's FIPS code. | |||
county_name |
The name of the primary county (or equivalent) that contains the city/town. | |||
county_fips_all |
The 5-digit FIPS code for all counties that overlap the city/town (e.g. 04013|04021) | |||
county_name_all |
The name of all counties that overlap the city/town. (e.g. Maricopa|Pinal) | |||
population |
An estimate of the city's urban population. | |||
population_proper |
An estimate of the city's municipal population. | |||
density |
The estimated population per square kilometer. | |||
incorporated |
TRUE if the place is a city/town. FALSE if the place is just a commonly known name for a populated area. | |||
cdp |
TRUE if the place is a Census Designated Place. Census designated places are concentrations of population tracked by the Census for statistical purposes. | |||
timezone |
The city's time zone in the tz database format. (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) | |||
ranking |
An integer from 1-5 that captures the importance of a city (1 is most important, 5 least important). | |||
zips |
A string containing all five-digit zip codes in the city/town, delimited by a space. Learn more. | |||
id |
A 10-digit unique id generated by SimpleMaps. It is consistent across releases and databases (e.g. World Cities Database). | |||
source |
For some cities, our data is generated from a polygon representing the city, for others we simply have a point. | |||
military |
TRUE if this place is a military establishment such as a fort or base. | |||
township |
TRUE if the place is a township in the Northeastern part of the United States as these are often functionally equivalent to cities. | |||
age_median |
The median age of residents in the city. | |||
male |
The percentage of residents who report being male (e.g. 55.1). | |||
female |
The percentage of residents who report being female (e.g. 44.9). | |||
married |
The percentage of residents who report being married (e.g. 44.9). | |||
family_size |
The average size of resident families (e.g. 3.22). | |||
income_household_median |
Median household income in USD. | |||
income_household_six_figure |
Percentage of households that earn at least $100,000 (e.g. 25.3) | |||
home_ownership |
Percentage of households that own (rather than rent) their residence. | |||
housing_units |
The number of occupied housing units (or households) in the zip code. | |||
home_value |
The median value of owner-occupied homes. (Specifically: the weighted average of the value of owner-occupied housing units that have mortgages and the value of owner-occupied housing units that don't have a mortgage). | |||
rent_median |
The median rent paid by renters. | |||
education_college_or_above |
The percentage of residents with at least a 4-year degree. | |||
labor_force_participation |
The percentage of residents 16 and older in the labor force. | |||
unemployment_rate |
The percentage of residents unemployed. | |||
race_white |
The percentage of residents who report their race White. | |||
race_black |
The percentage of residents who report their race as Black or African American. | |||
race_asian |
The percentage of residents who report their race as Asian. | |||
race_native |
The percentage of residents who report their race as American Indian and Alaska Native. | |||
race_pacific |
The percentage of residents who report their race as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. | |||
race_other |
The percentage of residents who report their race as Some other race. | |||
race_multiple |
The percentage of residents who report their race as Two or more races. | |||
hispanic |
The percentage of residents who report being Hispanic. Note: Hispanic is considered to be an ethnicity and not a race. | |||
age_under_10 |
The percentage of residents aged 0-9. | |||
age_10_to_19 |
The percentage of residents aged 10-19. | |||
age_20s |
The percentage of residents aged 20-29. | |||
age_30s |
The percentage of residents aged 30-39. | |||
age_40s |
The percentage of residents aged 40-49. | |||
age_50s |
The percentage of residents aged 50-59. | |||
age_60s |
The percentage of residents aged 60-69. | |||
age_70s |
The percentage of residents aged 70-79. | |||
age_over_80 |
The percentage of residents aged over 80. | |||
age_18_to_24 |
The percentage of residents aged 18 to 24. | |||
age_over_18 |
The percentage of residents aged over 18. | |||
age_over_65 |
The percentage of residents aged over 65 (retirement age). | |||
divorced |
The percentage of residents divorced. | |||
never_married |
The percentage of residents never married. | |||
widowed |
The percentage of residents who are widowed. | |||
family_dual_income |
The percentage of families with dual income earners. | |||
income_household_under_5 |
The percentage of households with income under $5,000. | |||
income_household_5_to_10 |
The percentage of households with income from $5,000-$10,000. | |||
income_household_10_to_15 |
The percentage of households with income from $10,000-$15,000. | |||
income_household_15_to_20 |
The percentage of households with income from $15,000-$20,000. | |||
income_household_20_to_25 |
The percentage of households with income from $20,000-$25,000. | |||
income_household_25_to_35 |
The percentage of households with income from $25,000-$35,000. | |||
income_household_35_to_50 |
The percentage of households with income from $35,000-$50,000. | |||
income_household_50_to_75 |
The percentage of households with income from $50,000-$75,000. | |||
income_household_75_to_100 |
The percentage of households with income from $75,000-$100,000. | |||
income_household_100_to_150 |
The percentage of households with income from $100,000-$150,000. | |||
income_household_150_over |
The percentage of households with income over $150,000. | |||
income_individual_median |
The median income of individuals in the city/town. | |||
home_value |
The median value of owner occupied homes. | |||
rent_burden |
The median rent as a percentage of the median renter's household income. | |||
education_less_highschool |
The percentage of residents with less than a high school education. | |||
education_highschool |
The percentage of residents with a high school diploma but no more. | |||
education_some_college |
The percentage of residents with some college but no more. | |||
education_bachelors |
The percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) but no more. | |||
education_graduate |
The percentage of residents with a graduate degree. | |||
education_stem_degree |
The percentage of residents with a Bachelor's degree or higher in a Science and Engineering (or related) field. | |||
disabled |
The percentage of residents who report a disability. | |||
poverty |
The percentage of residents who over the past 12 months have lived below 100% of the federal poverty level. | |||
limited_english |
The percentage of residents who only speak limited English. | |||
commute_time |
The median commute time of resident workers in minutes. | |||
health_uninsured |
The percentage of residents who report not having health insurance. | |||
veteran |
The percentage of residents who are veterans. | |||
cbsa_fips |
The FIPS code for the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) that includes the city (if one exists). | |||
cbsa_name |
The name of the CBSA (e.g. New York-Newark-Jersey City). | |||
cbsa_metro |
TRUE if cbsa_name is a metropolitan statistical area (MSA). FALSE if the CBSA is a micropolitan statistical area (μSAs). |
csa_fips |
The FIPS code for the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) that includes the city (if one exists). | |||
csa_name |
The name of the CSA (e.g. New York-Newark). |
Is the Basic (free) version sufficient for my needs?
The Basic (free) database will meet many users' needs. You may want to purchase the Pro or Comprehensive versions if:
What is an unincorporated populated place?
These are typically rural towns/villages that have commonly known names but do not exist as legal entities.
Do you omit any populated places?
Yes. For clarity we don't show multiple places with the same name in the same state. We only show the most important place of a given name in each state. The only exception to this is when multiple places with the same name are tracked by the Census (signaling their importance). Also, we omit some unincorporated places that are particularly insignificant.
Do you include townships?
Townships are technically county subdivisions and often act more like a county than a city/town. However, in the Northeast many townships are functionally equivalent to cities. Therefore, we include townships in the following states: ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, NY, PA. If a place is a township the field township
is TRUE.
Am I allowed to redistribute the database if I purchase a paid license?
No. You are not allowed to sell the database or make it publicly available. However, you can make copies and backups of the data. You are also allowed to query the database to power publicly facing applications such as a store locator. To learn more, read the full license terms.
How often do you release updates?
It depends, we monitor our sources and release new versions when we have more current data, typically a few times a year. Upon purchase, you can elect to receive email alerts when we release new versions of the database.
Why should I trust this data?
This database was aggregated from authoritative sources and carefully processed by SimpleMaps. We've been developing and selling interactive maps to Fortune 500 companies and prominent international organizations for over 14 years. Over this time, we've learned a lot about geographic data. To get a sense of the expertise and support we offer, check out some of the testimonials from our happy customers.
If I use the free database, what type of attribution is required?
If you use the Basic (free) database, you must link back to this page:
from a public webpage where you are using the data. If you want to use the data internally, you must link back to this page from your firm's website on a page that can be easily found though links on the root domain. The link must be clearly visible to the human eye.
How recent are the demographic variables such as income_household_median
Nearly all of the demographic variables come from the 2023 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) which is run by the United States Census Bureau. The value of population
is estimated using 2023 ACS 1-year data (when available for urban areas) and 2023 ACS 5-year data when not.
How come some demographic variables are blank (empty strings) for some cities?
Demographic variables are only available for places recognized by the Census. Also, the Census Bureau will only provide demographic data if the city/town is large enough to protect resident privacy. So, for smaller places, some variables may not be available.
How do I calculate the distance between two cities?
We've published free formulas in popular programming languages. Check them out.
Does the database include commonly known populated places even if they don't have a legal/municipal existence?
Yes, such places are included in our Pro and Comprehensive databases. The field incorporated
will have a value of FALSE for such places.
Does the database contain neighborhoods?
No, the database does not typically contained named places that are within other listed towns/cities. The only exception to this is that both New York City and its boroughs (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island) are included. If you need neighborhoods, we have a US Neighborhoods Database.
How do you determine which zip codes are in a city?
Our zip code data comes from our Zip Code Database. Most zip codes are Zip Code Tabulation Areas and are represented as a geographic area. We consider a ZCTA to be part of a city if the area intersecting both the ZCTA and city is at least 10 percent of the area of either the city or the ZCTA. This means that a ZCTA can be in more than one city. If this method does not result in a zip code, we will use the closest zip in the immediate area. For some villages in remote locations (like the Aleutian Islands) no zip code exists.
Has your database been updated with results from the 2020 Census?
Yes, all latitude and longitude coordinates for ZCTAs (and geographic relationships) are now based on ZCTA shapes from the 2020 Census. We're also now using the 2023 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) for demographic data.
Can you provide more detailed demographic data from the Census?
In some cases, yes. For example, we do store disaggregated age buckets (every five years) internally. Let us know what you're looking for and we'll let you know if we can provide it as part of the Comprehensive Database (no additional charge) or whether we could collect for you for a fee.
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