US Zip Codes Database

We're proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date database of US Zip Codes. It's been built from the ground up using authoritative sources including the U.S. Postal Service™, U.S. Census Bureau, National Weather Service, American Community Survey, and the IRS.

  • Up-to-date: Data updated as of October 8, 2024. Includes data from the most recent American Community Survey (2022)!
  • Comprehensive: 41,618 unique zip codes including ZCTA, unique, military, and PO box zips.
  • Useful fields: From latitude and longitude to household income.
  • Accurate: Aggregated from official sources and precisely geocoded to latitude and longitude.
  • Simple: A single CSV file, concise field names, only one entry per zip code.


Commercial useAllowedAllowedAllowed
File formatCSV, ExcelCSV, Excel, SQLCSV, Excel, SQL
Census-designated zipsYes, all ZCTAS Yes, all ZCTASYes, all ZCTAS
Current USPS zipsMostYes, all USPS zipsYes, all USPS zips
Number of entries33,78441,61841,618
Fields (listed below)Basic fieldsMore fieldsAll fields
Future updatesNot guaranteedIncluded for 12 monthsIncluded for 24 months
AttributionRequiredNot requiredNot required
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0Permissive, no redistributionPermissive, no redistribution
Refund policyN/A30-day guarantee30-day guarantee
One-time feeFree$99$199
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Customer Approved

We've looked a bunch of different zip/city/county sites and found many issues. Yours is great. Clean and well organized!

Sam Osborn, Customer

Sample Preview

Here is a sample of rows from the database with some commonly used fields:

All Fields

Use scrollbar to see all fields.

fieldname description Basic Pro Comp.
zip The 5-digit zip code assigned by the U.S. Postal Service.
lat The latitude of the zip code (learn more).
lng The longitude of the zip code (learn more).
city The official USPS city name.
state_id The official USPS state abbreviation.
state_name The state's name.
zcta TRUE if the zip code is a Zip Code Tabulation area (learn more).
parent_zcta The ZCTA that contains this zip code. Only exists if zcta is FALSE. Useful for making inferences about a zip codes that is a point from the ZCTA that contains it.
population An estimate of the zip code's population. Only exists if zcta is TRUE.
density The estimated population per square kilometer. Only exists if zcta is TRUE.
county_fips The zip's primary county in the FIPS format.
county_name The name of the county_fips.
county_weights A JSON dictionary listing all county_fips and their weights (by area) associated with the zip code.
imprecise TRUE if the lat/lng has been geolocated using the city (rare).
military TRUE if the zip code is used by the US Military (lat/lng not available).
timezone The city's time zone in the tz database format. (e.g. America/Los_Angeles)
county_fips_all The 5-digit FIPS code for all counties that overlap the zip. (e.g. 04013|04021)
county_name_all The name of all counties that overlap the zip. (e.g. Maricopa|Pinal).
age_median The median age of residents in the zip code.
male The percentage of residents who report being male (e.g. 55.1).
female The percentage of residents who report being female (e.g. 44.9).
married The percentage of residents who report being married (e.g. 44.9).
family_size The average size of resident families (e.g. 3.22).
income_household_median Median household income in USD.
income_household_six_figure Percentage of households that earn at least $100,000 (e.g. 25.3)
home_ownership Percentage of households that own (rather than rent) their residence.
housing_units The number of occupied housing units (or households) in the zip code.
home_value The median value of owner-occupied homes. (Specifically: the weighted average of the value of owner-occupied housing units that have mortgages and the value of owner-occupied housing units that don't have a mortgage).
rent_median The median rent paid by renters.
education_college_or_above The percentage of residents with at least a 4-year degree.
labor_force_participation The percentage of residents 16 and older in the labor force.
unemployment_rate The percentage of residents unemployed.
race_white The percentage of residents who report their race White.
race_black The percentage of residents who report their race as Black or African American.
race_asian The percentage of residents who report their race as Asian.
race_native The percentage of residents who report their race as American Indian and Alaska Native.
race_pacific The percentage of residents who report their race as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.
race_other The percentage of residents who report their race as Some other race.
race_multiple The percentage of residents who report their race as Two or more races.
hispanic The percentage of residents who report being Hispanic. Note: Hispanic is considered to be an ethnicity and not a race.
age_under_10 The percentage of residents aged 0-9.
age_10_to_19 The percentage of residents aged 10-19.
age_20s The percentage of residents aged 20-29.
age_30s The percentage of residents aged 30-39.
age_40s The percentage of residents aged 40-49.
age_50s The percentage of residents aged 50-59.
age_60s The percentage of residents aged 60-69.
age_70s The percentage of residents aged 70-79.
age_over_80 The percentage of residents aged over 80.
age_18_to_24 The percentage of residents aged 18 to 24.
age_over_18 The percentage of residents aged over 18.
age_over_65 The percentage of residents aged over 65 (retirement age).
divorced The percentage of residents divorced.
never_married The percentage of residents never married.
widowed The percentage of residents who are widowed.
family_dual_income The percentage of families with dual income earners.
income_household_under_5 The percentage of households with income under $5,000.
income_household_5_to_10 The percentage of households with income from $5,000-$10,000.
income_household_10_to_15 The percentage of households with income from $10,000-$15,000.
income_household_15_to_20 The percentage of households with income from $15,000-$20,000.
income_household_20_to_25 The percentage of households with income from $20,000-$25,000.
income_household_25_to_35 The percentage of households with income from $25,000-$35,000.
income_household_35_to_50 The percentage of households with income from $35,000-$50,000.
income_household_50_to_75 The percentage of households with income from $50,000-$75,000.
income_household_75_to_100 The percentage of households with income from $75,000-$100,000.
income_household_100_to_150 The percentage of households with income from $100,000-$150,000.
income_household_150_over The percentage of households with income over $150,000.
income_individual_median The median income of individuals in the zip code.
home_value The median value of owner occupied homes.
rent_burden The median rent as a percentage of the median renter's household income.
education_less_highschool The percentage of residents with less than a high school education.
education_highschool The percentage of residents with a high school diploma but no more.
education_some_college The percentage of residents with some college but no more.
education_bachelors The percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) but no more.
education_graduate The percentage of residents with a graduate degree.
education_stem_degree The percentage of college graduates with a Bachelor's degree or higher in a Science and Engineering (or related) field.
self_employed The percentage of households reporting self-employment income on their 2016 IRS tax return.
farmer The percentage of households reporting farm income on their 2016 IRS tax return.
charitable_givers The percentage of households reporting charitable giving on their 2016 tax return. Note: Only filers who are itemizing will report charitable giving.
disabled The percentage of residents who report a disability.
poverty The percentage of residents who over the past 12 months have lived below 100% of the federal poverty level.
limited_english The percentage of residents who only speak limited English.
commute_time The median commute time of resident workers in minutes.
health_uninsured The percentage of residents who report not having health insurance.
veteran The percentage of residents who are veterans.
cbsa_fips The FIPS code for the Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) that includes the zip code (if it exists).
cbsa_name The name of the CBSA (e.g. New York-Newark-Jersey City).
cbsa_metro TRUE if cbsa_name is a metropolitan statistical area (MSA). FALSE if the CBSA is a micropolitan statistical area (μSAs).
csa_fips The FIPS code for the Combined Statistical Area (CSA) that includes the zip code (if it exists).
csa_name The name of the CSA (e.g. New York-Newark).
metdiv_fips The fips code for the metropolitan division of the CBSA (if it exists).
metdiv_name The name of the metropolitan division of the CBSA (if it exists).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a ZCTA (Zip Code Tabulation Area)?

US ZIP codes were created by the USPS for mail delivery. This means that they don't always cover a continuous geographical area. What's convenient for delivery purposes (e.g. delivering on one side of the street except for large businesses) doesn't always lend itself to mapping or statistics. Since zip codes are often used for these purposes, the US Census Bureau calculates the approximate boundaries of zip code areas. These areas are called Zip Code Tabulation Areas.

Are all zip codes ZCTAs (Zip Code Tabulation Areas)?

No. Some zip codes are for PO boxes only, unique to an organization, or used by the military. Such zip codes are not areas and therefore are not represented by ZCTAs. When possible, our database uses parent_zcta to let you know if a zip code resides within an established ZCTA. This allows you to use the ZCTA as a proxy for additional information.

Is the Basic (free) version sufficient for my needs?

The Basic (free) database will meet many users needs. You may want to purchase the Pro or Comprehensive versions if:

  • You need data for infrequently-used zip codes that are unique to businesses, used for P.O. boxes or reserved for the military.
  • You need demographic data such as age, race, education or income.
  • You don't want to attribute your use of our data on a public-facing website.

How are latitude and longitude calculated?

We've used GIS software to calculate the centroid for every ZIP code categorized as a ZCTA. A centroid is the average position of all of the points in a shape. This is best way to convert an area into a point. For zip codes that represent discrete points, we've used authoritative sources such as the National Weather Service to geocode them into latitude and longitude.

Why don't latitude and longitude coordinates exist for some zip codes?

Some zip codes, such as those used by the military, do not represent a discrete point or a ZCTA area. In these cases, it's not possible to convert a zip code to a geographical point.

Am I allowed to redistribute the database if I purchase a paid license?

No. You are not allowed to sell the database or make it publicly available. However, you can make copies and backups of the data. You are also allowed to query the database to power publicly facing applications such as a store locator. To learn more, read the full license terms.

How often do you release updates?

It depends. We frequently monitor the USPS for updates to zip codes. If there are any changes, we will release a new version.

Why should I trust this data?

This database was aggregated from authoritative sources and carefully processed by SimpleMaps. We've been developing and selling interactive maps to Fortune 500 companies and prominent international organizations for over 14 years. Over this time, we've learned a lot about geographic data. To get a sense of the expertise and support we offer, check out some of the testimonials from our happy customers.

If I use the free database, what type of attribution is required?

If you use the Basic (free) database, you must link back to this page:
from a public webpage where you are using the data. If you want to use the data internally, you must link back to this page from your firm's website on a page that can be easily found though links on the root domain. The link must be clearly visible to the human eye.

Why do other databases contain more zip codes?

Unlike other databases, we only include one entry per zip code and we only include active USPS zip codes and ZCTAs. Our goal is to create an accurate database that is easy to use, not artificially inflate the size of our database.

How do I calculate the distance between two zip codes?

We've published free formulas in popular programming languages. Check them out.

How recent are the demographic variables such as income_household_median?

Almost all of the demographic variables come from the 2022 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) which is run by the United States Census Bureau. A few fields: farmer, self_employed and charitable_givers come from 2016 IRS data.

How come some demographic variables are blank (empty strings) for some zip codes?

For privacy reasons, the Census Bureau and IRS will only provide zip code level data if the zip code is large enough to protect resident privacy. So, for smaller zip codes some variables may not be available.

Is it possible to get the age fields disaggregated into 5-year buckets?

Yes, this is available for no additional charge for comprehensive license holders. Please contact us for help.

Has your database been updated with results from the 2020 Census?

Yes, all latitude and longitude coordinates for ZCTAs (and geographic relationships) are now based on ZCTA shapes from the 2020 Census. We're also now using the 2022 American Community Survey (5-year estimate) for demographic data.

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