28351 Zip Code Laurel Hill Scotland NC United States
City | Laurel Hill |
County | Scotland |
State | North Carolina |
Latitude | 34.84098 |
Longitude | -79.56102 |
Population | 4,593 |
Density | 77.98 people per square mile |
Time Zone | America/New York |
Median household: $40,190
Median individual: $23,412
Mode: 59.3% White
Median house value: $69,247.0
Median: 40.3 years old
With at least college degree: 9.9%
With STEM degree: 32.8%
Never married: 32.1%
Unemployed: 16.0%
All data comes from the SimpleMaps US Zips Comprehensive Database, October 2023.
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