Chesapeake Neighborhoods

HTML5 Map built with JavaScript and SVG
Includes source Shapefile and GeoJSON.

Compatible with all browsers and phones

Customizable Map of Chesapeake's Neighborhoods

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Our Chesapeake, VA map is part of the HTML5 City/Neighborhoods Map license that we sell. We've overlayed neighborhood boundaries over a minimalistic vector map of Chesapeake* showing major roads, parks, bodies of water and more.

Our JavaScript-based maps are zoomable, clickable, responsive, and easy to customize using our online tool. Easily add labels, change neighborhood colors, or add location markers.

Your map purchase includes the GIS source files for the neighborhood boundaries in both Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) formats. We've also included the neighborhoods as a static SVG file. The background map features are made available via a .pmtiles archive that we host on our CDN or you can download to fully self-host this map.

Customize Online

*Background map of Chesapeake was created using data from OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License 1.0 license. © OpenStreetMap.

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Commercial useAllowedAllowed
LicenseODbL 1.0Permissive
AttributionRequiredNot required
SVG (neighborhoods)
(city features)
Shapefile (.shp)
GeoJSON (.json)
JavaScript Map
Customizable Online
One-time feeFree$199
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Simple to Use

Customize maps by editing an online spreadsheet or simple text file. No knowledge of HTML5 or JavaScript is required. Step-by-step documentation makes installation painless.

Mobile Compatible

Our HTML5 maps look gorgeous on iPhones, Android devices and iPads. Our responsive maps automatically detect mobile devices and adjust navigation to be touch friendly.

Awesome Support

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Pinpoint Locations

Add location markers to the map using only latitude and longitude. Choose shapes or images. Easily customize the size, color, and description.

Clickable Neighborhoods

Click on a neighborhood (e.g. Amelia Estates) to zoom or go a specific url. Use the map to simplify your website's user interface.

Fully Customizable

Almost every aspect of the map can be customized. Colors, descriptions, links, labels, locations, regions and much more.

Included Neighborhoods

This map includes the following 842 neighborhoods:

    "11100": "Amelia Estates", 
    "11101": "Bruce Station", 
    "11102": "Bryant Farms", 
    "11103": "Bunch Walnuts Estates", 
    "11104": "Cahoon Plantation", 
    "11105": "Arbor Glen Apartments", 
    "11106": "Ardmore", 
    "11107": "Ash Hill Estates", 
    "11108": "Ashley Woods", 
    "11109": "Avalon", 
    "11110": "Baileys Creek", 
    "11111": "Battlefield Commons", 
    "11112": "Battlewood Meadows", 
    "11113": "Bayberry Forest", 
    "11114": "Bayberry Place", 
    "11115": "Beacon Point At River Walk", 
    "11116": "Belvin Heights", 
    "11117": "Berkshire Forest", 
    "11118": "Braddock Landing", 
    "11119": "Brandermill", 
    "11120": "Brentwood", 
    "11121": "Briarwood", 
    "11122": "Bridgefield", 
    "11123": "Bridgewood", 
    "11124": "Albemarle Farms North", 
    "11125": "Apts At 1415 Commerce Ave", 
    "11126": "Archbell Apartments", 
    "11127": "Asbury Downs Condominiums", 
    "11128": "Ashburn Point", 
    "11129": "Battlefield Comm Center Condo", 
    "11130": "Bayberry Woods", 
    "11131": "Bishop Davis Estates", 
    "11132": "Brent Lox Nursing Home And Rehab", 
    "11133": "Broad Bend At River Walk", 
    "11134": "Broadlawn Apartments", 
    "11135": "Acorn Grove Apartments", 
    "11136": "Ahoy Acres South", 
    "11137": "Albemarle Colony", 
    "11138": "Albemarle Office Park", 
    "11139": "Brittany Woods", 
    "11140": "Cambridge Manor Apartments", 
    "11141": "Jester Gardens", 
    "11142": "Avalon Birches Apartments", 
    "11143": "Baywood Manor", 
    "11144": "Beaver Meadows", 
    "11145": "Breezewood Landing", 
    "11146": "Juniper Crescent", 
    "11147": "Admiral Mhp", 
    "11148": "Amberly", 
    "11149": "Apartments At 1810 Speedy Ave", 
    "11150": "Apts 1307 Commerce Ave", 
    "11151": "Apts On Commerce Ave", 
    "11152": "Apts On Hoover Ave", 
    "11153": "Avalon Arms Apartments", 
    "11154": "Barnes Mhp", 
    "11155": "Battlefield Corporate Ctr", 
    "11156": "Battlefield Woods Apartments", 
    "11157": "Blackwater Forest", 
    "11158": "Bowers Hill", 
    "11159": "Briarwood Meadows", 
    "11160": "Cambridge Square Senior Apts", 
    "11161": "Camelot", 
    "11162": "Campostella Square", 
    "11163": "Carey Farm", 
    "11164": "Carriage Landing", 
    "11165": "Cavalier Industrial Park", 
    "11166": "Ahoy Acres", 
    "11167": "Albemarle Acres West", 
    "11168": "Albemarle Farms", 
    "11169": "Albemarle Pines", 
    "11170": "Chesapeake Colony", 
    "11171": "Alden Square", 
    "11172": "Alexis Forest", 
    "11173": "Alta Vista Apartments", 
    "11174": "Crestwood Manor", 
    "11175": "Dails Landing", 
    "11176": "Deep Creek Crossing", 
    "11177": "Deerville", 
    "11178": "Dockwood", 
    "11179": "Drum Point", 
    "11180": "Edmonds Corner Mhp", 
    "11181": "Elkhart Apartments", 
    "11182": "Cedar Crossing Condominiums", 
    "11183": "Cedar Grove Acres", 
    "11184": "Cedar Lakes", 
    "11185": "Cedar Lakes Townhouses", 
    "11186": "Broadmoor", 
    "11187": "Carriage House Commons", 
    "11188": "Cartwright Plat", 
    "11189": "Chesapeake Crossing Shopping Ctr", 
    "11190": "Chesapeake Townhouse Apartments", 
    "11191": "Campostella Commons", 
    "11192": "Carriage House Estates", 
    "11193": "Industrial Commons", 
    "11194": "Cedar Lakes Condominiums", 
    "11195": "Century Plaza Apartments", 
    "11196": "Chesapeake Crossing Sr. Apts", 
    "11197": "Chesapeake General Hospital", 
    "11198": "Countryview", 
    "11199": "Crossbridge Commons", 
    "11200": "Crossways Shopping Center", 
    "11201": "Dock Landing Pointe", 
    "11202": "Dominion Lakes", 
    "11203": "Dominion Pines Apartments", 
    "11204": "Dorcas Acres", 
    "11205": "Eden Square Office Condominium", 
    "11206": "Interstate Park Condo", 
    "11207": "Cedar Creek", 
    "11208": "Cedarwood Condominiums", 
    "11209": "Dominion Village At Chesapeake", 
    "11210": "Inlet Quay Condominiums", 
    "11211": "Echo Cove At River Walk", 
    "11212": "College Park", 
    "11213": "Colony Pointe", 
    "11214": "Cricket Hollow Townhouses", 
    "11215": "Cutherell Plat", 
    "11216": "Cypress Place", 
    "11217": "Deep Creek Landing", 
    "11218": "Charlestowne Lakes South", 
    "11219": "Inland Colony", 
    "11220": "Chesapeake Colony Estates", 
    "11221": "Chesapeake Manor Senior Apts", 
    "11222": "Gatewood Commons Condominiums", 
    "11223": "George Washington Townhouse Apts", 
    "11224": "Retreat At Greenbrier", 
    "11225": "Cheshire Forest", 
    "11226": "Cheshire Meadows", 
    "11227": "Caroon Farms", 
    "11228": "Johnstowne Square", 
    "11229": "Castlewood Terrace", 
    "11230": "Catalina Heights", 
    "11231": "Cedar Pointe Meadows", 
    "11232": "Centerville Farms Sec 2", 
    "11233": "Chaparral Arms Apartments", 
    "11234": "Charlton Village", 
    "11235": "Chesapeake Rhf Housing", 
    "11236": "Cloverdale", 
    "11237": "Colony Manor", 
    "11238": "Deep Creek Crossing Apts", 
    "11239": "Creekside At River Walk", 
    "11240": "Creekwood", 
    "11241": "Crescent Cove Condominiums", 
    "11242": "Crestwood", 
    "11243": "Darby Run", 
    "11244": "Davids Mill", 
    "11245": "Davis Plat", 
    "11246": "Deep Creek Forest", 
    "11247": "Churchland", 
    "11248": "Deep Creek Shores", 
    "11249": "Deer Crossing", 
    "11250": "Dock Harbour", 
    "11251": "Dock Landing", 
    "11252": "Dock Landing Meadows", 
    "11253": "Georgetown Place", 
    "11254": "Gilbert Bailey", 
    "11255": "Glovers Court", 
    "11256": "Estella Villas", 
    "11257": "Greenbrier East Condo", 
    "11258": "Greenbrier Mall", 
    "11259": "Greenbrier Market Place", 
    "11260": "Greenbrier Parkway Office Condos", 
    "11261": "Gregorys Mhp", 
    "11262": "Greystone", 
    "11263": "Hall Property", 
    "11264": "Cedar Mill Townhouses", 
    "11265": "Cedar Pines", 
    "11266": "Cedarwood", 
    "11267": "Cedarwood South", 
    "11268": "Centerville Farms Sec 1", 
    "11269": "Chadswyck Terrace", 
    "11270": "Dominion Pines", 
    "11271": "Dove Acres", 
    "11272": "Downland Acres", 
    "11273": "Driftwood Meadows", 
    "11274": "Drum Creek Farms", 
    "11275": "Eden Way Office Park Condominium", 
    "11276": "Civic Center", 
    "11277": "Clark Farm Estates", 
    "11278": "Clearfield", 
    "11279": "Clearview", 
    "11280": "Colonial Point", 
    "11281": "Country Club Meadows", 
    "11282": "Country Mill Run", 
    "11283": "Country Roads", 
    "11284": "Coventry Meadows", 
    "11285": "Happy Acres", 
    "11286": "Harbor North Apartments", 
    "11287": "Harrells Mhp", 
    "11288": "Emerald Lakes Estates", 
    "11289": "Estates Of Greenbrier", 
    "11290": "Fairfield", 
    "11291": "Elizabeth Gardens", 
    "11292": "Etheridge Lakes", 
    "11293": "Faith Village", 
    "11294": "Falls Creek", 
    "11295": "Farmview", 
    "11296": "Fentress Echos", 
    "11297": "Kay Willow Apartments", 
    "11298": "Greentree Apartments", 
    "11299": "Greenwood Estates", 
    "11300": "Firman Estates", 
    "11301": "Gatewood Apartments", 
    "11302": "Geneva Court", 
    "11303": "Geneva Forest", 
    "11304": "Georgetown Point", 
    "11305": "Glen Eagle", 
    "11306": "Galberry", 
    "11307": "Georgetown Manor", 
    "11308": "Georgian Manor", 
    "11309": "Roseville", 
    "11310": "Glenmoore", 
    "11311": "Goldmill Apartments", 
    "11312": "Governors Pointe Apartments", 
    "11313": "Great Bridge Crossing", 
    "11314": "Greenbrier Woods Apartments", 
    "11315": "Greenfield Acres", 
    "11316": "Hanbury Farms", 
    "11317": "Harbor Landing", 
    "11318": "Elpike Manor", 
    "11319": "Emerald Greens", 
    "11320": "English Oaks", 
    "11321": "Essex Meadows", 
    "11322": "Etheridge Manor", 
    "11323": "Etheridge Meadows", 
    "11324": "Etheridge Pointe", 
    "11325": "Etheridge Woods", 
    "11326": "Fairmont Heights", 
    "11327": "Fairview Manor", 
    "11328": "Fairways Villas Condominiums", 
    "11329": "Edgewood", 
    "11330": "Edinburgh", 
    "11331": "Elizabeth River Terrace", 
    "11332": "Elmsley", 
    "11333": "Elmwood Landing", 
    "11334": "Eva Gardens", 
    "11335": "Geneva Park", 
    "11336": "Geneva Shores", 
    "11337": "Georgetown Colony", 
    "11338": "Georgetown Commons Townhouses", 
    "11339": "Georgetown East", 
    "11340": "Georgetown Square Townhouses", 
    "11341": "Gertie", 
    "11342": "Glasser Landing", 
    "11343": "Glen Abbey", 
    "11344": "Glen Isle", 
    "11345": "Glenleigh", 
    "11346": "Glenwood", 
    "11347": "Goose Creek Estates", 
    "11348": "Indian River Landing", 
    "11349": "Juniper Ofc Warehouse", 
    "11350": "Hanbury West", 
    "11351": "Harbor Watch Condominiums", 
    "11352": "Hillcrest", 
    "11353": "Hunningdon Lakes", 
    "11354": "Hunters Cove", 
    "11355": "Indian River Gardens", 
    "11356": "Jacobsen Apartments", 
    "11357": "Jubilee Acres", 
    "11358": "Kennedy Apartments", 
    "11359": "Kingsbridge Apartments", 
    "11360": "Lantrac", 
    "11361": "Lee Property", 
    "11362": "Lori Place", 
    "11363": "Madison Arms Apartments", 
    "11364": "Marina Point Apartments", 
    "11365": "Mclain Street Apartments", 
    "11366": "Mcmillan Mhp", 
    "11367": "Meadow Landing North Townhouses", 
    "11368": "Hickory Heights", 
    "11369": "Holly Point Apartments", 
    "11370": "Miars Farm Apartments", 
    "11371": "Wilson Heights", 
    "11372": "Mill Creek Apartments", 
    "11373": "North Cove", 
    "11374": "Poplar Hill", 
    "11375": "Fordville", 
    "11376": "Great Bridge Gardens", 
    "11377": "Green Haven", 
    "11378": "Green Meadow Point", 
    "11379": "Greenbrier Commerce Park", 
    "11380": "Ivystone Apartments", 
    "11381": "Greenwood At Greenbrier", 
    "11382": "Grovedate", 
    "11383": "Hall Heights", 
    "11384": "Hall Manor", 
    "11385": "Hulen Estates", 
    "11386": "Fentress Gardens", 
    "11387": "Ipswich Townvillas", 
    "11388": "Ferebee Manor", 
    "11389": "Fernwood Shores", 
    "11390": "Ford Park", 
    "11391": "Forest Hills", 
    "11392": "Foxgate Quarter", 
    "11393": "Foxwood North", 
    "11394": "Futrells Landing", 
    "11395": "Geneva Mobile Home Park", 
    "11396": "Knox Farms", 
    "11397": "Lakes Of Etheridge", 
    "11398": "Las Gaviotas Commerce Center", 
    "11399": "Leroy And Elma O Spruill", 
    "11400": "Lindale", 
    "11401": "Logans Mill", 
    "11402": "Madison Plaza Office Condo", 
    "11403": "Maplewood Apartments", 
    "11404": "Marsh View Farms", 
    "11405": "Martindale", 
    "11406": "Hartwood North", 
    "11407": "Harvard Apartments", 
    "11408": "Hennessey Crossing", 
    "11409": "Heritage Point", 
    "11410": "Hickory Ridge", 
    "11411": "Hickory Station Estates", 
    "11412": "Hillside Landing", 
    "11413": "Holly Cove", 
    "11414": "Holly Glen Condominiums", 
    "11415": "Homecrest Mhp", 
    "11416": "Homemont", 
    "11417": "Midway Mhp", 
    "11418": "Mill Quarter", 
    "11419": "Misty Point", 
    "11420": "Munden", 
    "11421": "Northwest Acres", 
    "11422": "Oak Brooke", 
    "11423": "Oak Grove Apartments", 
    "11424": "Oak Lake Apartments", 
    "11425": "Oakbrooke Meadows", 
    "11426": "Owens Village", 
    "11427": "Peaceful Village", 
    "11428": "Peyton Estates", 
    "11429": "Porter Ridge", 
    "11430": "Providence Mhp", 
    "11431": "Kingstowne", 
    "11432": "Gracie Park", 
    "11433": "Great Bridge Acres", 
    "11434": "Island Estates", 
    "11435": "Hunningdon Woods", 
    "11436": "Hunters Ridge", 
    "11437": "Indian River Estates", 
    "11438": "Indian River Homesites", 
    "11439": "Indian River Terrace", 
    "11440": "Jolliff Station", 
    "11441": "Jolliff Woods", 
    "11442": "Keats Landing", 
    "11443": "Kemp Crossing", 
    "11444": "Kemp Woods", 
    "11445": "Hanbury Commons", 
    "11446": "Harbour North", 
    "11447": "Heather Point Condominiums", 
    "11448": "Hillwell Manor", 
    "11449": "Homestead Acres", 
    "11450": "Hunters Glen", 
    "11451": "Josephs Gardens", 
    "11452": "Julias Home For Adults", 
    "11453": "Kings Ford Condominiums", 
    "11454": "Knells Ridge Estates", 
    "11455": "Knells Ridge Townhouses", 
    "11456": "Lake Forest", 
    "11457": "Lakes Of Greenbrier Apartments", 
    "11458": "Lakewood", 
    "11459": "Landmark Apartments", 
    "11460": "Las Gaviotas", 
    "11461": "Les Chateaux", 
    "11462": "Liberty Street Proj Resub", 
    "11463": "Lilley Cove", 
    "11464": "Lindbergh Manor", 
    "11465": "Little Zion", 
    "11466": "Timberlark Townhomes", 
    "11467": "Lochaven Estates", 
    "11468": "Locks Landing", 
    "11469": "Long Point Townhouses", 
    "11470": "Loxley Gardens", 
    "11471": "Magnolia Chase", 
    "11472": "Mains Creek Park", 
    "11473": "Mariners Quay Condominiums", 
    "11474": "Mariners Pointe", 
    "11475": "Marsh Creek", 
    "11476": "Marsh Island At River Walk", 
    "11477": "Norcova Estates", 
    "11478": "Oak Ridge", 
    "11479": "Oakville", 
    "11480": "Old Woodland Estates", 
    "11481": "Parker Home Sites", 
    "11482": "Pinewood", 
    "11483": "Pleasant Grove Townhouses", 
    "11484": "Pleasant View", 
    "11485": "Point Harbor", 
    "11486": "Providence Pointe Condo", 
    "11487": "Kensington Chase", 
    "11488": "Kentucky Forest", 
    "11489": "King James Colony", 
    "11490": "Lake Village Apartments", 
    "11491": "Laurel Haven At River Walk", 
    "11492": "Lincolnshire", 
    "11493": "Lone Oak Mhp", 
    "11494": "Manning Estates", 
    "11495": "Goodman Village", 
    "11496": "Mcdonald Manor Apartments", 
    "11497": "Millville Court", 
    "11498": "Money Point", 
    "11499": "Mullenville", 
    "11500": "Newton Creek Estates", 
    "11501": "Oak Grove Homes", 
    "11502": "Oak Point", 
    "11503": "Oakbrooke Business And Tech Ctr", 
    "11504": "Queen City", 
    "11505": "Melda Manor", 
    "11506": "Merrimac Landing", 
    "11507": "Meta Pointe", 
    "11508": "Mill Creek Harbor", 
    "11509": "Providence Square", 
    "11510": "Providence Terrace", 
    "11511": "Parkwood", 
    "11512": "Peppercorn Condominiums", 
    "11513": "Pinetta", 
    "11514": "Knells Ridge Condominiums", 
    "11515": "Wilmund Place", 
    "11516": "Meadow Creek Estates", 
    "11517": "Millers Run", 
    "11518": "Mount Pleasant Heights", 
    "11519": "Mystic Isle At River Walk", 
    "11520": "New Mill Landing", 
    "11521": "Norfolk Highlands", 
    "11522": "North Creek", 
    "11523": "North Landing Farms", 
    "11524": "North Trail At The Arboretum", 
    "11525": "Northwest Landing", 
    "11526": "Oak Bridge Forest", 
    "11527": "Oak Grove Manor", 
    "11528": "Oak Grove Meadows", 
    "11529": "Oak Lake Estates Condominiums", 
    "11530": "Oak Manor", 
    "11531": "Oakdale", 
    "11532": "Queens Gate Condominiums", 
    "11533": "Meadow Wood Estates", 
    "11534": "Meadowoods", 
    "11535": "Miars Farm", 
    "11536": "Miars Plantation", 
    "11537": "Mill Creek", 
    "11538": "Mill Pond Forest", 
    "11539": "Poplar Ridge", 
    "11540": "Portlock", 
    "11541": "Portlock Terrace", 
    "11542": "Powell Subdivision", 
    "11543": "Pleasant Park Apartments", 
    "11544": "Point Elizabeth Townhouses", 
    "11545": "Tyre Neck Square", 
    "11546": "Pleasant Ridge", 
    "11547": "Riverwood", 
    "11548": "Saint Julians Court", 
    "11549": "Sandy Pines", 
    "11550": "Seaboard Estates", 
    "11551": "Pughsville", 
    "11552": "Quincy", 
    "11553": "Ravenwoods", 
    "11554": "River Birch Run South", 
    "11555": "Sandy Hill", 
    "11556": "Seminole Park", 
    "11557": "Serenity Lodge", 
    "11558": "Wilton Court Retirement Center", 
    "11559": "Sherbrooke Apartments", 
    "11560": "Shillelagh Farms", 
    "11561": "South Gilmerton", 
    "11562": "Southeastern Va Training Center", 
    "11563": "Sparrow Rd Townhouse Apartments", 
    "11564": "Stoneys Mhp", 
    "11565": "Sunnybrook Apartments", 
    "11566": "Tarawood", 
    "11567": "Taylorwood Estates", 
    "11568": "R And H Mhp", 
    "11569": "Tluchak Sub", 
    "11570": "River Pines", 
    "11571": "The Meadows At Bald Cypress Quay", 
    "11572": "Travelers Apartments", 
    "11573": "Tuttles Landing", 
    "11574": "Twin Creek Apartments", 
    "11575": "Varsity Estates", 
    "11576": "Village Farms", 
    "11577": "Waterstone", 
    "11578": "Waverton Apartments", 
    "11579": "Shamrock Gardens Apartments", 
    "11580": "Sir Raleigh Estates", 
    "11581": "South Hill", 
    "11582": "Plum Point", 
    "11583": "Plummer Plantation", 
    "11584": "Plymouth Park", 
    "11585": "Preserve On The Elizabeth", 
    "11586": "Princeton Halls", 
    "11587": "Oaklette", 
    "11588": "Old Mill Landing", 
    "11589": "Olde Mill Run", 
    "11590": "Orchard Grove Condominiums", 
    "11591": "Outpatient Center Condo", 
    "11592": "Park View", 
    "11593": "Parsons Adult Care", 
    "11594": "Peoples Estates", 
    "11595": "Pine Ridge", 
    "11596": "Pines Of Warrick", 
    "11597": "Plantation Lakes", 
    "11598": "Plantation Woods", 
    "11599": "Raleigh Heights", 
    "11600": "Raleigh Place", 
    "11601": "Ravenna", 
    "11602": "Red Oak Colony", 
    "11603": "Reidville", 
    "11604": "Riddicks Quay", 
    "11605": "River Arch Village", 
    "11606": "River Breeze Condo", 
    "11607": "River Walk", 
    "11608": "Tanglewood", 
    "11609": "Taylor And Goodrich Plat", 
    "11610": "Taylor Acres", 
    "11611": "The Club Villas Condominiums", 
    "11612": "The Crossings At Western Branch", 
    "11613": "The Garage Townes At Miars Farm", 
    "11614": "The Quays At River Walk", 
    "11615": "Timberwood", 
    "11616": "Wampler Place", 
    "11617": "Seabrooke Landing", 
    "11618": "Sentara Village At Chesapeake", 
    "11619": "Sheridan Heights", 
    "11620": "Point Elizabeth", 
    "11621": "Riverbend", 
    "11622": "Riverside Park Homes", 
    "11623": "Rollingwood Estates", 
    "11624": "Ruben E. Bailey Prop", 
    "11625": "Forest Cove", 
    "11626": "Sandy Meadows", 
    "11627": "Sawyers Mill", 
    "11628": "School House Crossing", 
    "11629": "Scotfield", 
    "11630": "Quailshire Estates", 
    "11631": "Re Hearring Subdivision", 
    "11632": "Rio Vista", 
    "11633": "River Landing At Goose Creek", 
    "11634": "Riverstone Estates", 
    "11635": "Royal Grove Townhouses", 
    "11636": "Scenic Acres", 
    "11637": "Shamrock Gardens", 
    "11638": "Sherman Oaks", 
    "11639": "Shorewood", 
    "11640": "South Park", 
    "11641": "South Wood", 
    "11642": "Southern Pines", 
    "11643": "Southern Terrace Arms Apartments", 
    "11644": "Spinners Creek", 
    "11645": "Stonebridge Apartments", 
    "11646": "Strawberry Acres", 
    "11647": "The Cedars Apartments", 
    "11648": "Landings At Bald Cypress Quay", 
    "11649": "Quiet Cove At River Walk", 
    "11650": "Radcliffe Meadows", 
    "11651": "St. Julians Depot", 
    "11652": "Station Square Condominiums", 
    "11653": "Stillwater Farms", 
    "11654": "Stone Hill Condominiums", 
    "11655": "Washington Heights", 
    "11656": "Silverwood Oaks", 
    "11657": "Stratford Terrace", 
    "11658": "Sturbridge Village", 
    "11659": "Sunrise Hills", 
    "11660": "Tallwood Estates", 
    "11661": "Tyre Neck", 
    "11662": "Unnamed Nursing Home & Duplexes", 
    "11663": "Upton Farms", 
    "11664": "Varsity Manor", 
    "11665": "Sherwood Forest", 
    "11666": "Ships Crossing", 
    "11667": "South Dockwood", 
    "11668": "South Fairview", 
    "11669": "South Munden", 
    "11670": "South Norfolk", 
    "11671": "Stonegate", 
    "11672": "Twelve Oaks", 
    "11673": "Valley Stream", 
    "11674": "Washington Manor", 
    "11675": "West Lake Condominiums", 
    "11676": "West Landing Estates", 
    "11677": "West Colony Manor", 
    "11678": "Westgate Park", 
    "11679": "Whittamore Acres", 
    "11680": "Willows Glen", 
    "11681": "Woodbridge Apartments", 
    "11682": "Yadkin Industrial Park", 
    "11683": "Plantation Mobile Home Park", 
    "11684": "Taylor Commons", 
    "11685": "Marsh Pointe Estates", 
    "11686": "Vance Level", 
    "11687": "Turtle Rock", 
    "11688": "Shillelagh Estates", 
    "11689": "Cedar Landing Estates", 
    "11690": "Fernbridge", 
    "11691": "Cleveland Place", 
    "11692": "Riverwalk Estates Condominiums", 
    "11693": "Georges Landing Condominiums", 
    "11694": "Bells Mill", 
    "11695": "Chesapeake Alternative School", 
    "11696": "Davey Farm", 
    "11697": "Great Bridge", 
    "11698": "White Oak Crossing", 
    "11699": "Wild Horse Ridge", 
    "11700": "Willow Oaks Apartments", 
    "11701": "Wimbledon Square Condominiums", 
    "11702": "Winds Of Silverwood", 
    "11703": "South Norfolk Heights", 
    "11704": "Southgate Plaza", 
    "11705": "St. Andrews Condominiums", 
    "11706": "Walnut Green", 
    "11707": "Warrington Hall", 
    "11708": "Watch Island At River Walk", 
    "11709": "Waterway Estates", 
    "11710": "Waverton Place Apartments", 
    "11711": "Weavers Spring", 
    "11712": "Wedgewood Estates", 
    "11713": "Well Spring", 
    "11714": "West Chadswyck Terrace", 
    "11715": "West Munden", 
    "11716": "West Road Estates", 
    "11717": "Westbridge Apartments", 
    "11718": "Whitson Acres", 
    "11719": "Willow Lakes", 
    "11720": "Wilmund Court Apartments", 
    "11721": "Wimbledon Chase Condominiums", 
    "11722": "Wingfield Pointe", 
    "11723": "Wittington", 
    "11724": "Preston Trails West", 
    "11725": "Woodland Trails", 
    "11726": "Brandon Woods", 
    "11727": "Dunedin Apartments", 
    "11728": "Townehouses Of Radcliffe", 
    "11729": "Tunbridge Station", 
    "11730": "Lexington Place", 
    "11731": "Ships Landing", 
    "11732": "Edinburg", 
    "11733": "Wynngate Business Park", 
    "11734": "Wynngate Place", 
    "11735": "Saddle Ridge South", 
    "11736": "Forest Lakes", 
    "11737": "Waterford", 
    "11738": "Sunray", 
    "11739": "Silverwood", 
    "11740": "Woods Of Deep Creek", 
    "11741": "Woods Of Whitehurst", 
    "11742": "White Egret Cove", 
    "11743": "Windrose Farms", 
    "11744": "River Walk Commerce Center", 
    "11745": "Winston Trace", 
    "11746": "Bellwood Meadows", 
    "11747": "Kemp Bridge", 
    "11748": "Western Branch Commons", 
    "11749": "Westonia", 
    "11750": "Westover", 
    "11751": "Wickford", 
    "11752": "Wildwood", 
    "11753": "Wildwood Heights", 
    "11754": "Willow Point Condominiums", 
    "11755": "Willowwood", 
    "11756": "Wilmund Park Apartments", 
    "11757": "Windlesham Plantation", 
    "11758": "Woodards Mill", 
    "11759": "Woodbriar", 
    "11760": "Woodbriar Apartments", 
    "11761": "Woodgate Commons", 
    "11762": "Woodlake Forest", 
    "11763": "Woodland Shores", 
    "11764": "Woodland Terrace", 
    "11765": "Woodshire Mhp", 
    "11766": "Vintage Estates", 
    "11767": "Saints Delight", 
    "11768": "Savanna Heights", 
    "11769": "Ravenna East", 
    "11770": "Bell Manor Estates", 
    "11771": "Woods Edge", 
    "11772": "Kings Gate", 
    "11773": "Kendall Crossing", 
    "11774": "Butts Station", 
    "11775": "Curling Acres", 
    "11776": "Edwards-wilson", 
    "11777": "Fernwood Farms", 
    "11778": "Hickory Plantation", 
    "11779": "Grassfield Reserve", 
    "11780": "Lakes Of Jolliff", 
    "11781": "Nassau", 
    "11782": "Dominion Forest", 
    "11783": "Long Ridge Woods", 
    "11784": "Dominion Commerce Park", 
    "11785": "Brickhouse Farms", 
    "11786": "Great Bridge Estates", 
    "11787": "Kings Pointe", 
    "11788": "Whites Landing", 
    "11789": "North Rollingwood", 
    "11790": "Frost Estates", 
    "11791": "Northwest Radio Station", 
    "11792": "Stoney Run Manor", 
    "11793": "Westchester Estates", 
    "11794": "Arlington Meadows", 
    "11795": "Ruths Glen", 
    "11796": "Oakbrooke Crossing", 
    "11797": "Greentree Commons Condos", 
    "11798": "Sommerton", 
    "11799": "Eagle Lake At Plantation North", 
    "11800": "Rose Garden Estates", 
    "11801": "Sutherlyn Estates", 
    "11802": "Sharon Estates", 
    "11803": "Bells Hollow", 
    "11804": "Moores Farm", 
    "11805": "Ashton Park", 
    "11806": "Washington Arms", 
    "11807": "Glen Shannon", 
    "11808": "Waddell Estates", 
    "11809": "Kinston Waters", 
    "11810": "The Morgan", 
    "11811": "Belmont At Greenbrier", 
    "11812": "The Grove At The Arboretum", 
    "11813": "The Carlton At Greenbrier", 
    "11814": "Jordan Hall", 
    "11815": "Halstead Landing", 
    "11816": "Centerville Commons", 
    "11817": "Equestrian Estates", 
    "11818": "Estates At Grassfield Meadows", 
    "11819": "North Landing Cove", 
    "11820": "Rivercrest Condo", 
    "11821": "Albemarle Terrace", 
    "11822": "Watermill Cove", 
    "11823": "Watsons Glen", 
    "11824": "Hastings Place", 
    "11825": "Country Club Square Condo", 
    "11826": "Brighton Park At Greenbrier", 
    "11827": "Hampshires At Greenbrier Condo", 
    "11828": "Emerald Forest", 
    "11829": "Deep Creek Commons", 
    "11830": "Ashley Woods South", 
    "11831": "Old Towne Terrace", 
    "11832": "Mallory Square", 
    "11833": "Brightleaf Meadows Condo", 
    "11834": "Walkers Bend", 
    "11835": "Tattersall Apartments", 
    "11836": "Cottages At Great Bridge Senior", 
    "11837": "Viridian Reserve At Hickory", 
    "11838": "Fishers Cove", 
    "11839": "Hanbury Woods", 
    "11840": "Reunion", 
    "11841": "Bullock Walk", 
    "11842": "Chapel Hill Estates", 
    "11843": "Alta Verde Apts", 
    "11844": "Streets Of Greenbrier", 
    "11845": "Coopers Creek Manor", 
    "11846": "Seasons At Cahoon Condo", 
    "11847": "Stonebridge Landing", 
    "11848": "Chesapeake Mhp", 
    "11849": "Chesapeake Mh Comm", 
    "11850": "Tapestry Park Apts", 
    "11851": "Sono Condos", 
    "11852": "Lake Thrasher", 
    "11853": "Hanbury Manor", 
    "11854": "Kendall Woods", 
    "11855": "Western Branch Reserve", 
    "11856": "Dominion Meadows", 
    "11857": "Johnstown Estates", 
    "11858": "Davidson Commons", 
    "11859": "Tuckahoe Village", 
    "11860": "River Hollow", 
    "11861": "Cumberland Farms", 
    "11862": "Jolliff Run", 
    "11863": "Olahs Landing", 
    "11864": "Haileys Cove", 
    "11865": "Clearfield Oaks Condo", 
    "11866": "Brooks Run", 
    "11867": "Hadley Park Condo", 
    "11868": "Riverview At The Preserve", 
    "11869": "Creeks Edge Condo", 
    "11870": "Fieldstone", 
    "11871": "Stonegate Forest", 
    "11872": "Waters Bend", 
    "11873": "Sentry Estates", 
    "11874": "Ida Gardens", 
    "11875": "Edward And Evelyn Estates", 
    "11876": "Bryan's Cove Condo", 
    "11877": "Abbey Hill", 
    "11878": "Autumn Woods Condo", 
    "11879": "Portlock Square Condo", 
    "11880": "Bella Manor", 
    "11881": "Greenbrier Station", 
    "11882": "The Woodlands", 
    "11883": "Summerwood", 
    "11884": "Hickory Manor", 
    "11885": "Fenwyck Chase", 
    "11886": "Fenwyck Manor", 
    "11887": "Fox Trail", 
    "11888": "Beaver Dam Estates", 
    "11889": "Greentree Commons", 
    "11890": "Carriage House At Summer Park", 
    "11891": "Middle Oaks", 
    "11892": "The Reserve At Greenbrier", 
    "11893": "Elizabeth Place", 
    "11894": "Hickory Landing", 
    "11895": "Cedar Cove", 
    "11896": "Towne Park At Goose Creek", 
    "11897": "Brabble Shores West", 
    "11898": "Martin Crossing", 
    "11899": "Bryan's Landing", 
    "11900": "Poplar Hill Estates", 
    "11901": "Galberry Pines", 
    "11902": "Mercer Estates", 
    "11903": "Hampton Estates", 
    "11904": "Plummer Point", 
    "11905": "Martins Point", 
    "11906": "St Charles Place", 
    "11907": "Meadowlake Farms", 
    "11908": "Everton Estates", 
    "11909": "Sykes Farm", 
    "11910": "The Townhomes At Jolliff Landing", 
    "11911": "Jolliff Landing @ Western Branch", 
    "11912": "Coleman Place", 
    "11913": "Culpepper Landing", 
    "11914": "Birdwood", 
    "11915": "Grassfield Crossing", 
    "11916": "Chesapeake Square Mall", 
    "11917": "The Arbors At Western Branch", 
    "11918": "Farmington Acres", 
    "11919": "Taylor Pointe Apartments", 
    "11920": "Dunedin", 
    "11921": "Wellington", 
    "11922": "Clover Meadows", 
    "11923": "Retreat At Western Branch", 
    "11924": "Reserve At Grassfield", 
    "11925": "Brabble Shores East", 
    "11926": "Cardinal Meadows", 
    "11927": "Flagstone Quay", 
    "11928": "Elbow Estates", 
    "11929": "Providence Grove", 
    "11930": "Somb Moore Estates", 
    "11931": "Albemarle River", 
    "11932": "Breck Grove", 
    "11933": "Haven @ Centerville", 
    "11934": "Wexford Square", 
    "11935": "Regal Park", 
    "11936": "Patriot's Ridge", 
    "11937": "The Retreat At Kemps River", 
    "11938": "Mason Place", 
    "11939": "Maries Landing", 
    "11940": "Cottages At Edinburgh", 
    "11941": "Venture Apartments At Edinburgh Farms"


Does the map work on iPhones and iPads?

Yes! It does.

Does the map require jQuery or other dependencies?

No. The map does not use any jQuery and it won't interfere with jQuery or other common libraries you may be using on your page.

What browsers are supported?

Chrome, Firefox, Safari 3.2+, iOS Safari 3.2+, Opera, Opera Mobile, Internet Explorer 7+, Android Browser 3+, Android Chrome and more.

Is it possible to add or change neighborhood boundaries?

Yes, please contact us for details.

Do you have any examples?

Sure! We haven't created any examples specific to Chesapeake. But you can see what's possible by checking out these US Examples or World Examples. These maps are built on the same framework (and therefore have the same functionality) as this Chesapeake map.

How is the commercial product licensed?

Since this product is a bundle, each part has its own license:

  • The interactive map is licensed on a per-domain basis under our standard map license.
  • The Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) files are licensed under our data license which is permissive but prohibits redistribution.
  • The background street map is offered under the ODbL 1.0 license which requires attribution of the data source - OpenStreetMap. This is why the background image include © OpenStreetMap in the corner. The background map is created using MapLibre and PMTiles which are used under their respective licenses.

Can I add neighborhoods to this map?

Yes! If you have a neighborhood shape in GeoJSON format you can easily add it to the map by following this tutorial. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.

Is it possible to buy just the source data or just the interactive map instead of both?

No, currently these products cannot be purchased separately, only as a bundle.

Can I buy the GIS data for all of the cities?

Yes, this is offered under our Comprehensive US Neighborhoods Database.

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