El Paso Neighborhoods

HTML5 Map built with JavaScript and SVG
Includes source Shapefile and GeoJSON.

Compatible with all browsers and phones

Customizable Map of El Paso's Neighborhoods

Other Cities Entire US El Paso Zips

Our El Paso, TX map is part of the HTML5 City/Neighborhoods Map license that we sell. We've overlayed neighborhood boundaries over a minimalistic vector map of El Paso* showing major roads, parks, bodies of water and more.

Our JavaScript-based maps are zoomable, clickable, responsive, and easy to customize using our online tool. Easily add labels, change neighborhood colors, or add location markers.

Your map purchase includes the GIS source files for the neighborhood boundaries in both Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) formats. We've also included the neighborhoods as a static SVG file. The background map features are made available via a .pmtiles archive that we host on our CDN or you can download to fully self-host this map.

Customize Online

*Background map of El Paso was created using data from OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License 1.0 license. © OpenStreetMap.

Free Commercial
Commercial useAllowedAllowed
LicenseODbL 1.0Permissive
AttributionRequiredNot required
SVG (neighborhoods)
(city features)
Shapefile (.shp)
GeoJSON (.json)
JavaScript Map
Customizable Online
One-time feeFree$199
Buy Now!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We're so confident in the quality of our map that we offer a full 30-day money-back guarantee. If the map doesn't work out for you we'll happily refund your money.


Simple to Use

Customize maps by editing an online spreadsheet or simple text file. No knowledge of HTML5 or JavaScript is required. Step-by-step documentation makes installation painless.

Mobile Compatible

Our HTML5 maps look gorgeous on iPhones, Android devices and iPads. Our responsive maps automatically detect mobile devices and adjust navigation to be touch friendly.

Awesome Support

Get fast answers from the one of the map's developers. We're happy to troubleshoot any installation or customization issues that arise. Just ask!

Pinpoint Locations

Add location markers to the map using only latitude and longitude. Choose shapes or images. Easily customize the size, color, and description.

Clickable Neighborhoods

Click on a neighborhood (e.g. El Dorado East) to zoom or go a specific url. Use the map to simplify your website's user interface.

Fully Customizable

Almost every aspect of the map can be customized. Colors, descriptions, links, labels, locations, regions and much more.

Included Neighborhoods

This map includes the following 223 neighborhoods:

    "11100": "El Dorado East", 
    "11101": "Eastview", 
    "11102": "Tierra Rica", 
    "11103": "Tierra Humeda", 
    "11104": "Montana East", 
    "11105": "El Dorado West", 
    "11106": "Vista Real West", 
    "11107": "Upper Vista Real", 
    "11108": "Vista Real East", 
    "11109": "Montana West", 
    "11110": "Stanton Heights", 
    "11111": "Loma Linda", 
    "11112": "Sun Ridge North", 
    "11113": "Sun Ridge South", 
    "11114": "Montwood Heights", 
    "11115": "Los Paseos", 
    "11116": "Quail Run", 
    "11117": "Vista Hills East", 
    "11118": "O'Shea Keleher", 
    "11119": "Montwood", 
    "11120": "Sandy Creek", 
    "11121": "Marty Robbins North", 
    "11122": "Saint Vitus", 
    "11123": "Marty Robbins South", 
    "11124": "Stone Ridge", 
    "11125": "Las Palmas", 
    "11126": "Paseos del Sol", 
    "11127": "Americas", 
    "11128": "Southview", 
    "11129": "Ranchos del Sol", 
    "11130": "Vista Hills", 
    "11131": "Vista del Sol East", 
    "11132": "Vista Hills Park", 
    "11133": "Vista de Oro", 
    "11134": "Esper", 
    "11135": "Indian Ridge North", 
    "11136": "Indian Ridge East", 
    "11137": "Idian Ridge South", 
    "11138": "Pebble Hills North", 
    "11139": "Pebble Hills South", 
    "11140": "Vista del Sol West", 
    "11141": "Travis White", 
    "11142": "The Glens", 
    "11143": "East Glen", 
    "11144": "Pico Norte", 
    "11145": "Pebble Hills Park", 
    "11146": "Pebble Brook", 
    "11147": "Album", 
    "11148": "Scotsdale", 
    "11149": "Eastwood Heights", 
    "11150": "Cork", 
    "11151": "Stonehaven", 
    "11152": "Montclair", 
    "11153": "Cielo Vista South", 
    "11154": "Cielo Vista East", 
    "11155": "Cielo Vista North", 
    "11156": "Cedar Grove", 
    "11157": "Stiles Garden", 
    "11158": "Hidden Valley", 
    "11159": "Ranchland East", 
    "11160": "Ranchland West", 
    "11161": "Hacienda Heights", 
    "11162": "Rosedale", 
    "11163": "Rosedale Farms", 
    "11164": "North Loop Gardens", 
    "11165": "Lafayette Place", 
    "11166": "Sageland", 
    "11167": "Loma Terrace", 
    "11168": "Mesa Vista", 
    "11169": "Williams Park", 
    "11170": "Loma Park", 
    "11171": "Colonia del Carmen", 
    "11172": "Pleasant Valley", 
    "11173": "Pendale", 
    "11174": "Penrose", 
    "11175": "Las Flores", 
    "11176": "Pecan Grove", 
    "11177": "Lancaster", 
    "11178": "Colonia del Valle", 
    "11179": "Las Placitas del Rey", 
    "11180": "Vista del Prado", 
    "11181": "Richard Lee", 
    "11182": "Valumbrosa", 
    "11183": "Pueblo Viejo", 
    "11184": "South Loop", 
    "11185": "Capistrano Park", 
    "11186": "Prado", 
    "11187": "Valle Grande", 
    "11188": "Shawver Park", 
    "11189": "Thomas Manor", 
    "11190": "Lorreto Place", 
    "11191": "Normandy Park", 
    "11192": "Timberwolf", 
    "11193": "San Juan", 
    "11194": "Tejas", 
    "11195": "Sambrano", 
    "11196": "Collingsworth", 
    "11197": "Clardy Fox", 
    "11198": "Medina", 
    "11199": "Buena Vista", 
    "11200": "Delta Park", 
    "11201": "Washington Park", 
    "11202": "Austin Terrace", 
    "11203": "Pershing/Government Hill", 
    "11204": "Five Points East", 
    "11205": "Grandview", 
    "11206": "Summit Place", 
    "11207": "Morningside Heights", 
    "11208": "Logan Heights", 
    "11209": "Beaumont", 
    "11210": "Manhattan Heights", 
    "11211": "Military Heights", 
    "11212": "Highland Park", 
    "11213": "Golden Hill", 
    "11214": "Five Points West", 
    "11215": "Durazno", 
    "11216": "Chamizal", 
    "11217": "Eucalyptus", 
    "11218": "Magoffin", 
    "11219": "Segundo Barrio", 
    "11220": "El Paso High", 
    "11221": "Virginia", 
    "11222": "Union Plaza", 
    "11223": "Chihuahuita", 
    "11224": "Sunset Heights", 
    "11225": "Rim-University", 
    "11226": "Kern Place", 
    "11227": "Mission Hills South", 
    "11228": "Mission Hills North", 
    "11229": "Ridgecrest", 
    "11230": "Lomas Del Rey", 
    "11231": "Buena Vista Park", 
    "11232": "Festival Hills", 
    "11233": "Crestmont", 
    "11234": "Mesa Hills", 
    "11235": "Upper Mesa Hills", 
    "11236": "Thunderbird", 
    "11237": "Lambka Park", 
    "11238": "Bandolero-Tarascas", 
    "11239": "Polk", 
    "11240": "Sunland Park North", 
    "11241": "Resler Canyon", 
    "11242": "Pacific Park", 
    "11243": "Sunset", 
    "11244": "Riverbend", 
    "11245": "The Willows", 
    "11246": "Portsmouth", 
    "11247": "Country Club", 
    "11248": "Zach White", 
    "11249": "Remcon", 
    "11250": "South Belvidere", 
    "11251": "Lakehurst", 
    "11252": "Falcon Hills", 
    "11253": "Delgado Park", 
    "11254": "Chaparral Park North", 
    "11255": "High Ridge", 
    "11256": "Bear Ridge", 
    "11257": "Kohlberg", 
    "11258": "Desierto Plaza", 
    "11259": "Montoya Heights", 
    "11260": "Three Hills", 
    "11261": "Sunset View", 
    "11262": "Borderland", 
    "11263": "West Green", 
    "11264": "Westside", 
    "11265": "Lindbergh", 
    "11266": "Ridge", 
    "11267": "Roberts", 
    "11268": "East Bank", 
    "11269": "South Upper Valley", 
    "11270": "North Upper Valley", 
    "11271": "North Hills West", 
    "11272": "North Hills East", 
    "11273": "Dolphin", 
    "11274": "Cooperstown", 
    "11275": "Bradley", 
    "11276": "Veteran's Park", 
    "11277": "Apollo Heights East", 
    "11278": "Arlington Park", 
    "11279": "Sun Valley West", 
    "11280": "Terrace Hills", 
    "11281": "Rushfair", 
    "11282": "Palomino", 
    "11283": "Northtowne Village", 
    "11284": "Stonebridge", 
    "11285": "Futureland", 
    "11286": "Parkland", 
    "11287": "Milagro Hills", 
    "11288": "Tobin Park", 
    "11289": "Tobin Mount", 
    "11290": "Castner Heights", 
    "11291": "Angel's Triangle", 
    "11292": "Restlawn", 
    "11293": "Las Sierras", 
    "11294": "Sunrise Acres", 
    "11295": "Park Foothills", 
    "11296": "Mountain Hills", 
    "11297": "Mountain Ridge", 
    "11298": "Mountain Park", 
    "11299": "Mountain View South", 
    "11300": "Mountain View North", 
    "11301": "Eisenhower's Sahara", 
    "11302": "Irvin", 
    "11303": "Shearman Park", 
    "11304": "Pleasant Hills East", 
    "11305": "Village Green", 
    "11306": "Sun Valley East", 
    "11307": "Apollo Heights West", 
    "11308": "Pleasant Hills West", 
    "11309": "Sunrise Acres East", 
    "11310": "Yucca Village", 
    "11311": "Lower Dyer", 
    "11312": "Sandstone Ranch West", 
    "11313": "Sandstone Ranch East", 
    "11314": "Redstone Village", 
    "11315": "Mesquite Hills", 
    "11316": "La Calavera", 
    "11317": "Lincoln Park", 
    "11318": "Saipan", 
    "11319": "The Points", 
    "11320": "Las Tierras", 
    "11321": "Calvary", 
    "11322": "Tres Suenos"


Does the map work on iPhones and iPads?

Yes! It does.

Does the map require jQuery or other dependencies?

No. The map does not use any jQuery and it won't interfere with jQuery or other common libraries you may be using on your page.

What browsers are supported?

Chrome, Firefox, Safari 3.2+, iOS Safari 3.2+, Opera, Opera Mobile, Internet Explorer 7+, Android Browser 3+, Android Chrome and more.

Is it possible to add or change neighborhood boundaries?

Yes, please contact us for details.

Do you have any examples?

Sure! We haven't created any examples specific to El Paso. But you can see what's possible by checking out these US Examples or World Examples. These maps are built on the same framework (and therefore have the same functionality) as this El Paso map.

How is the commercial product licensed?

Since this product is a bundle, each part has its own license:

  • The interactive map is licensed on a per-domain basis under our standard map license.
  • The Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) files are licensed under our data license which is permissive but prohibits redistribution.
  • The background street map is offered under the ODbL 1.0 license which requires attribution of the data source - OpenStreetMap. This is why the background image include © OpenStreetMap in the corner. The background map is created using MapLibre and PMTiles which are used under their respective licenses.

Can I add neighborhoods to this map?

Yes! If you have a neighborhood shape in GeoJSON format you can easily add it to the map by following this tutorial. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.

Is it possible to buy just the source data or just the interactive map instead of both?

No, currently these products cannot be purchased separately, only as a bundle.

Can I buy the GIS data for all of the cities?

Yes, this is offered under our Comprehensive US Neighborhoods Database.

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