Our Omaha, NE map is part of the HTML5 City/Neighborhoods Map license that we sell. We've overlayed neighborhood boundaries over a minimalistic vector map of Omaha* showing major roads, parks, bodies of water and more.
Our JavaScript-based maps are zoomable, clickable, responsive, and easy to customize using our online tool. Easily add labels, change neighborhood colors, or add location markers.
Your map purchase includes the GIS source files for the neighborhood boundaries in both Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) formats. We've also included the neighborhoods as a static SVG file. The background map features are made available via a .pmtiles archive that we host on our CDN or you can download to fully self-host this map.
*Background map of Omaha was created using data from OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License 1.0 license. © OpenStreetMap.
Free | Commercial | |
Commercial use | Allowed | Allowed |
License | ODbL 1.0 | Permissive |
Attribution | Required | Not required |
SVG (neighborhoods) | ||
PMTiles (city features) | ||
Shapefile (.shp) | ||
GeoJSON (.json) | ||
JavaScript Map | ||
Customizable Online | ||
One-time fee | Free | $199 |
Buy Now! |
This map includes the following 173 neighborhoods:
"11100": "Aksarben-Elmwood Park",
"11101": "Applewood Heights",
"11102": "Armbrust Acres",
"11103": "Bay Shores",
"11104": "Beals",
"11105": "Bedford Place",
"11106": "Bemis Park",
"11107": "Bent Creek",
"11108": "Central Park",
"11109": "Fontenelle View",
"11110": "Hillsborough",
"11111": "Eagle Run",
"11112": "Harvey Oaks",
"11113": "Leawood Southwest",
"11114": "Keystone",
"11115": "Fairfax",
"11116": "Horizons",
"11117": "Karen Western",
"11118": "Highland Park",
"11119": "Park Avenue",
"11120": "Field Club",
"11121": "Gifford Park",
"11122": "Clairmont Heights",
"11123": "Conestoga Place",
"11124": "Country Club",
"11125": "Columbus Park",
"11126": "Dundee-Memorial Park",
"11127": "Elmwood Park",
"11128": "Hanscom Park",
"11129": "Joslyn Castle",
"11130": "Binney Wirt Spencer and Lothrop",
"11131": "Long School",
"11132": "Linden Park",
"11133": "Lindenwood",
"11134": "Mission Hills",
"11135": "Miller Park-Minne Lusa",
"11136": "Mockingbird Hills",
"11137": "Monmouth Park",
"11138": "Original Montclair",
"11139": "Morton Meadows",
"11140": "Northwest Omaha",
"11141": "North Omaha",
"11142": "OIC",
"11143": "Old Loveland",
"11144": "Oak Hills",
"11145": "Old Millard East",
"11146": "Greenfields",
"11147": "Pointe",
"11148": "The Quarters",
"11149": "Rambleridge",
"11150": "Raven Oaks",
"11151": "Regency",
"11152": "Rockbrook",
"11153": "Royalwood",
"11154": "Seville",
"11155": "Saddle Hills",
"11156": "Candlewood",
"11157": "Walnut Grove",
"11158": "Walnut Hill",
"11159": "Waverly Park",
"11160": "Wedgewood",
"11161": "West Fairacres",
"11162": "Wiercrest",
"11163": "Sunridge II",
"11164": "Brook Hollow",
"11165": "Fairacres",
"11166": "Dahlman",
"11167": "Spring Lake",
"11168": "Montclair Trendwood Parkside & Georgetown",
"11169": "Benson",
"11170": "Fountain Hills-Pacific Meadows",
"11171": "Stonybrook",
"11172": "Leavenworth",
"11173": "Orchard Hill",
"11174": "Westside",
"11175": "Woodlyn Park",
"11176": "Sunridge #1",
"11177": "Meadowbrook",
"11178": "Evans",
"11179": "Blackstone",
"11180": "Concord Square",
"11181": "Westgate Area",
"11182": "Woodbridge",
"11183": "Western Trails Hidden Ridge",
"11184": "Lee Valley",
"11185": "Crescent Oaks",
"11186": "Maple Village",
"11187": "Oakbrook",
"11188": "Roanoke",
"11189": "Skyline Woods",
"11190": "Sunny Slope-Sunny View",
"11191": "Greentree, Iron Ridge, Tranquility View (GIT)",
"11192": "Ridgefield",
"11193": "Ridges",
"11194": "Skyline Ranches",
"11195": "Chapel Hill & Rogers Ridge",
"11196": "Loveland",
"11197": "Bryn Mawr",
"11198": "Wyman Heights",
"11199": "Montclair West & Kingswood",
"11200": "Pacific Pointe",
"11201": "Deer Park",
"11202": "Spring Ridge",
"11203": "Cherry Hills",
"11204": "Deer Ridge Park",
"11205": "Walnut Ridge",
"11206": "Willow Wood",
"11207": "Whispering Ridge",
"11208": "E R Danner-Kountze Park",
"11209": "Prairie Lane",
"11210": "Skylark-Cryer",
"11211": "Omaha View",
"11212": "Laird Street",
"11213": "Market West",
"11214": "Pacific Springs",
"11215": "Banyan Hills",
"11216": "Spanish Village",
"11217": "Westwood Heights",
"11218": "Fire Ridge",
"11219": "Villas At Hawthorn",
"11220": "Prairie Pointe",
"11221": "Standing Bear",
"11222": "Silverwood",
"11223": "Cambridge Oaks",
"11224": "Highland Park-Seven Pines",
"11225": "Walnut Lake",
"11226": "Merrifield Village",
"11227": "Leawood West",
"11228": "Pepperwood",
"11229": "Arbor Oaks",
"11230": "Sunset Hills-Happy Hollow Hills",
"11231": "Benson Gardens",
"11232": "Burlington Road",
"11233": "Autumn Ridge",
"11234": "Scarborough",
"11235": "Prospect Hill",
"11236": "Torrey Pines",
"11237": "Field Club North",
"11238": "Swanson Park",
"11239": "Peony Park",
"11240": "Brown Park",
"11241": "Somerset",
"11242": "Greenbriar",
"11243": "Downtown Northeast",
"11244": "Glenbrook",
"11245": "Levi Carter Sherman",
"11246": "Nelson's Creek",
"11247": "Chimney Ridge",
"11248": "Pacific Heights-Shaker Heights",
"11249": "West Fairacres Place",
"11250": "Mayberry",
"11251": "Westchester of Millard",
"11252": "Fair Meadows",
"11253": "Robin Hill",
"11254": "Pacific Ridge",
"11255": "Eldorado II",
"11256": "Ponca Hills",
"11257": "Huntington Park",
"11258": "Saddle Creek Corridor",
"11259": "Falcon Ridge",
"11260": "Lake Forest Estates",
"11261": "Mission Park",
"11262": "Lake Cunningham Hills",
"11263": "Piedmont-Wycliffe",
"11264": "Highland South-Indian Hills",
"11265": "Thornburg Place",
"11266": "Kimberly Place",
"11267": "Elk Creek Crossing",
"11268": "Pacific Hollow",
"11269": "Western Springs",
"11270": "SunCrest",
"11271": "Old Market South",
"11272": "South Shore Heights"
Does the map work on iPhones and iPads?
Yes! It does.
Does the map require jQuery or other dependencies?
No. The map does not use any jQuery and it won't interfere with jQuery or other common libraries you may be using on your page.
What browsers are supported?
Chrome, Firefox, Safari 3.2+, iOS Safari 3.2+, Opera, Opera Mobile, Internet Explorer 7+, Android Browser 3+, Android Chrome and more.
Is it possible to add or change neighborhood boundaries?
Yes, please contact us for details.
Do you have any examples?
Sure! We haven't created any examples specific to Omaha. But you can see what's possible by checking out these US Examples or World Examples. These maps are built on the same framework (and therefore have the same functionality) as this Omaha map.
How is the commercial product licensed?
Since this product is a bundle, each part has its own license:
Can I add neighborhoods to this map?
Yes! If you have a neighborhood shape in GeoJSON format you can easily add it to the map by following this tutorial. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help.
Is it possible to buy just the source data or just the interactive map instead of both?
No, currently these products cannot be purchased separately, only as a bundle.
Can I buy the GIS data for all of the cities?
Yes, this is offered under our Comprehensive US Neighborhoods Database.
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SimpleMaps.com is a product of Pareto Software, LLC. © 2010-2024.