US States Hex Map

Built with JavaScript and SVG

Compatible with all browsers and phones

A special version of our HTML5 US Map uses hexagons to create a simple, beautiful map.

Sometimes when visualizing US state data it's desirable for every state to have an equal area. In such cases, you can turn to our US hexagon map. All 50 states (plus DC and Puerto Rico) are represented as hexagons in their approximate relative position to form a shape that resembles the United States. This is a great choice for visualizing election data, state laws, or other state-level statistics in a form that is beautiful and easy to comprehend.

Note: this is not a separate product, it is just a special version of our HTML5 US Map and, upon purchase, is available for no additional charge.

Customize US Hex Map Online Learn more about our US map


Is there any extra cost to use this hexagon version?

No, this hexagon version is included with the purchase of a US map license.

How do I download this special version of the US map?

First, use this link to customize the map online. Then, click: Options Download.

Does the hex map support lat/lng locations?

No, the hexagon map is a symbolic representation of stats so locations can not be placed using lat/lng. You can still place locations using x/y coordinates.

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