Free Azerbaijan GIS Map Files | Resources

We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Azerbaijan.

Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Azerbaijan. Features include:

  • Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (461.4 KB .json file).
  • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • First-level administrative regions identified by name and id in the source code.
  • All files use WGS84 projection. Easily reproject as needed.

GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.

Included Administrative Regions

    "AZABS": "Abşeron", 
    "AZAGA": "Ağstafa", 
    "AZAGC": "Ağcabədi", 
    "AZAGM": "Ağdam", 
    "AZAGS": "Ağdaş", 
    "AZAGU": "Ağsu", 
    "AZAST": "Astara", 
    "AZBA": "Bakı", 
    "AZBAB": "Babək", 
    "AZBAL": "Balakən", 
    "AZBAR": "Bərdə", 
    "AZBEY": "Beyləqan", 
    "AZBIL": "Biləsuvar", 
    "AZCAB": "Cəbrayıl", 
    "AZCAL": "Cəlilabad", 
    "AZCUL": "Culfa", 
    "AZDAS": "Daşkəsən", 
    "AZFUZ": "Füzuli", 
    "AZGA": "Gəncə", 
    "AZGAD": "Gədəbəy", 
    "AZGOR": "Goranboy", 
    "AZGOY": "Göyçay", 
    "AZGYG": "Xanlar", 
    "AZHAC": "Hajigabul", 
    "AZIMI": "İmişli", 
    "AZISM": "İsmayıllı", 
    "AZKAL": "Kəlbəcər", 
    "AZKAN": "Kangarli", 
    "AZKUR": "Kürdəmir", 
    "AZLA": "Lankaran City", 
    "AZLAC": "Lachin", 
    "AZLAN": "Lankaran", 
    "AZLER": "Lerik", 
    "AZMAS": "Masallı", 
    "AZMI": "Mingəçevir", 
    "AZNA": "Naftalan", 
    "AZNEF": "Neftçala", 
    "AZNX": "Naxçıvan", 
    "AZOGU": "Oğuz", 
    "AZORD": "Ordubad", 
    "AZQAB": "Qəbələ", 
    "AZQAX": "Qax", 
    "AZQAZ": "Qazax", 
    "AZQBA": "Quba", 
    "AZQBI": "Qubadli", 
    "AZQOB": "Qobustan", 
    "AZQUS": "Qusar", 
    "AZSA": "Şəki", 
    "AZSAB": "Sabirabad", 
    "AZSAD": "Sədərək", 
    "AZSAH": "Şahbuz", 
    "AZSAK": "Şəki", 
    "AZSAL": "Salyan", 
    "AZSAR": "Şərur", 
    "AZSAT": "Saatlı", 
    "AZSBN": "Dəvəçi", 
    "AZSIY": "Siyəzən", 
    "AZSKR": "Şəmkir", 
    "AZSM": "Sumqayıt", 
    "AZSMI": "Şamaxı", 
    "AZSMX": "Samux", 
    "AZSR": "Shirvan", 
    "AZSUS": "Şuşa", 
    "AZTAR": "Tərtər", 
    "AZTOV": "Tovuz", 
    "AZUCA": "Ucar", 
    "AZXA": "Stepanakert", 
    "AZXAC": "Xaçmaz", 
    "AZXCI": "Xocalı", 
    "AZXIZ": "Xizı", 
    "AZXVD": "Xocavənd", 
    "AZYAR": "Yardımlı", 
    "AZYE": "Yevlakh", 
    "AZYEV": "Yevlakh Rayon", 
    "AZZAN": "Zəngilan", 
    "AZZAQ": "Zaqatala", 
    "AZZAR": "Zərdab"

Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Azerbaijan. Features include:

GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.

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