We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of China.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for China. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"CNAH": "Anhui Province",
"CNBJ": "Beijing Municipality",
"CNCQ": "Chongqing Municipality",
"CNFJ": "Fujian Province",
"CNGD": "Guangdong Province",
"CNGS": "Gansu province",
"CNGX": "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region",
"CNGZ": "Guizhou Province",
"CNHA": "Henan Province",
"CNHB": "Hubei Province",
"CNHE": "Hebei Province",
"CNHI": "Hainan Province",
"CNHK": "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region",
"CNHL": "Heilongjiang Province",
"CNHN": "Hunan Province",
"CNJL": "Jilin Province",
"CNJS": "Jiangsu Province",
"CNJX": "Jiangxi Province",
"CNLN": "Liaoning Province",
"CNMO": "Macao Special Administrative Region",
"CNNM": "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region",
"CNNX": "Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region",
"CNQH": "Qinghai Province",
"CNSC": "Sichuan Province",
"CNSD": "Shandong Province",
"CNSH": "Shanghai Municipality",
"CNSN": "Shaanxi Province",
"CNSX": "Shanxi Province",
"CNTJ": "Tianjin Municipality",
"CNTW": "Taiwan Province",
"CNXJ": "Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region",
"CNXZ": "Tibet Autonomous Region",
"CNYN": "Yunnan Province",
"CNZJ": "Zhejiang Province"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for China. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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