We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Ecuador.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Ecuador. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"ECA": "Azuay",
"ECB": "Bolivar",
"ECC": "Carchi",
"ECD": "Orellana",
"ECE": "Esmeraldas",
"ECF": "Cañar",
"ECG": "Guayas",
"ECH": "Chimborazo",
"ECI": "Imbabura",
"ECL": "Loja",
"ECM": "Manabi",
"ECN": "Napo",
"ECO": "El Oro",
"ECP": "Pichincha",
"ECR": "Los Rios",
"ECS": "Morona Santiago",
"ECSD": "Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas",
"ECSE": "Santa Elena",
"ECT": "Tungurahua",
"ECU": "Sucumbios",
"ECW": "Galápagos",
"ECX": "Cotopaxi",
"ECY": "Pastaza",
"ECZ": "Zamora Chinchipe"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Ecuador. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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