Free Spain GIS Map Files | Resources

We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Spain.

Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Spain. Features include:

  • Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (1104.1 KB .json file).
  • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • First-level administrative regions identified by name and id in the source code.
  • All files use WGS84 projection. Easily reproject as needed.

GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.

Included Administrative Regions

    "ESAN": "Andalucía", 
    "ESAR": "Aragon", 
    "ESAS": "Asturias", 
    "ESCB": "Cantabria", 
    "ESCE": "Ceuta", 
    "ESCL": "Castilla y León", 
    "ESCM": "Castilla la Mancha", 
    "ESCN": "Islas Canarias", 
    "ESCT": "Cataluña", 
    "ESEX": "Extremadura", 
    "ESGA": "Galicia", 
    "ESIB": "Islas Baleares", 
    "ESMC": "Murcia", 
    "ESMD": "Comunidad de Madrid", 
    "ESML": "Melilla", 
    "ESNC": "Navarra, Comunidad Foral de", 
    "ESPV": "País Vasco", 
    "ESRI": "La Rioja", 
    "ESVC": "Comunidad Valenciana"

Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Spain. Features include:

  • Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (1509.8 KB .json file).
  • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Second-level administrative regions identified by name and id in the source code.
  • All files use WGS84 projection. Easily reproject as needed.

GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.

Included Administrative Regions

    "ESA": "Alicante", 
    "ESAB": "Albacete", 
    "ESAL": "Almería", 
    "ESAV": "Ávila", 
    "ESB": "Barcelona", 
    "ESBA": "Badajoz", 
    "ESBI": "Bizkaia", 
    "ESBU": "Burgos", 
    "ESC": "La Coruña", 
    "ESCA": "Cádiz", 
    "ESCC": "Cáceres", 
    "ESCE": "Ceuta", 
    "ESCO": "Córdoba", 
    "ESCR": "Ciudad Real", 
    "ESCS": "Castellón", 
    "ESCU": "Cuenca", 
    "ESGC": "Las Palmas", 
    "ESGI": "Gerona", 
    "ESGR": "Granada", 
    "ESGU": "Guadalajara", 
    "ESH": "Huelva", 
    "ESHU": "Huesca", 
    "ESJ": "Jaén", 
    "ESL": "Lérida", 
    "ESLE": "León", 
    "ESLO": "La Rioja", 
    "ESLU": "Lugo", 
    "ESM": "Madrid", 
    "ESMA": "Málaga", 
    "ESML": "Melilla", 
    "ESMU": "Murcia", 
    "ESNA": "Navarra", 
    "ESO": "Asturias", 
    "ESOR": "Orense", 
    "ESP": "Palencia", 
    "ESPM": "Baleares", 
    "ESPO": "Pontevedra", 
    "ESS": "Cantabria", 
    "ESSA": "Salamanca", 
    "ESSE": "Sevilla", 
    "ESSG": "Segovia", 
    "ESSO": "Soria", 
    "ESSS": "Gipuzkoa", 
    "EST": "Tarragona", 
    "ESTE": "Teruel", 
    "ESTF": "Santa Cruz de Tenerife", 
    "ESTO": "Toledo", 
    "ESV": "Valencia", 
    "ESVA": "Valladolid", 
    "ESVI": "Álava", 
    "ESZ": "Zaragoza", 
    "ESZA": "Zamora"

Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Spain. Features include:

GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.

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