We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of France.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for France. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"FR20R": "Corse",
"FRARA": "Auvergne Rhône Alpes",
"FRBFC": "Bourgogne Franche Comté",
"FRBRE": "Bretagne",
"FRCVL": "Centre Val de Loire",
"FRGES": "Grand Est",
"FRHDF": "Hauts de France",
"FRIDF": "Île de France",
"FRNAQ": "Nouvelle Aquitaine",
"FRNOR": "Normandie",
"FROCC": "Occitanie",
"FRPAC": "Provence Alpes Côte d'Azu",
"FRPDL": "Pays de la Loire"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for France. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"FR01": "Ain",
"FR02": "Aisne",
"FR03": "Allier",
"FR04": "Alpes-de-Haute-Provence",
"FR05": "Hautes-Alpes",
"FR06": "Alpes-Maritimes",
"FR07": "Ardèche",
"FR08": "Ardennes",
"FR09": "Ariège",
"FR10": "Aube",
"FR11": "Aude",
"FR12": "Aveyron",
"FR13": "Bouches-du-Rhône",
"FR14": "Calvados",
"FR15": "Cantal",
"FR16": "Charente",
"FR17": "Charente-Maritime",
"FR18": "Cher",
"FR19": "Corrèze",
"FR21": "Côte-d'Or",
"FR22": "Côtes-d'Armor",
"FR23": "Creuse",
"FR24": "Dordogne",
"FR25": "Doubs",
"FR26": "Drôme",
"FR27": "Eure",
"FR28": "Eure-et-Loir",
"FR29": "Finistère",
"FR2A": "Corse-du-Sud",
"FR2B": "Haute-Corse",
"FR30": "Gard",
"FR31": "Haute-Garonne",
"FR32": "Gers",
"FR33": "Gironde",
"FR34": "Hérault",
"FR35": "Ille-et-Vilaine",
"FR36": "Indre",
"FR37": "Indre-et-Loire",
"FR38": "Isère",
"FR39": "Jura",
"FR40": "Landes",
"FR41": "Loir-et-Cher",
"FR42": "Loire",
"FR43": "Haute-Loire",
"FR44": "Loire-Atlantique",
"FR45": "Loiret",
"FR46": "Lot",
"FR47": "Lot-et-Garonne",
"FR48": "Lozère",
"FR49": "Maine-et-Loire",
"FR50": "Manche",
"FR51": "Marne",
"FR52": "Haute-Marne",
"FR53": "Mayenne",
"FR54": "Meurthe-et-Moselle",
"FR55": "Meuse",
"FR56": "Morbihan",
"FR57": "Moselle",
"FR58": "Nièvre",
"FR59": "Nord",
"FR60": "Oise",
"FR61": "Orne",
"FR62": "Pas-de-Calais",
"FR63": "Puy-de-Dôme",
"FR64": "Pyrénées-Atlantiques",
"FR65": "Hautes-Pyrénées",
"FR66": "Pyrénées-Orientales",
"FR67": "Bas-Rhin",
"FR68": "Haute-Rhin",
"FR69": "Rhône",
"FR70": "Haute-Saône",
"FR71": "Saône-et-Loire",
"FR72": "Sarthe",
"FR73": "Savoie",
"FR74": "Haute-Savoie",
"FR75": "Paris",
"FR76": "Seine-Maritime",
"FR77": "Seien-et-Marne",
"FR78": "Yvelines",
"FR79": "Deux-Sèvres",
"FR80": "Somme",
"FR81": "Tarn",
"FR82": "Tarn-et-Garonne",
"FR83": "Var",
"FR84": "Vaucluse",
"FR85": "Vendée",
"FR86": "Vienne",
"FR87": "Haute-Vienne",
"FR88": "Vosges",
"FR89": "Yonne",
"FR90": "Territoire de Belfort",
"FR91": "Essonne",
"FR92": "Hauts-de-Seine",
"FR93": "Seine-Saint-Denis",
"FR94": "Val-de-Marne",
"FR95": "Val-d'Oise"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for France. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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