We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Indonesia.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Indonesia. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"IDAC": "Aceh",
"IDBA": "Bali",
"IDBB": "Bangka-Belitung",
"IDBE": "Bengkulu",
"IDBT": "Banten",
"IDGO": "Gorontalo",
"IDJA": "Jambi",
"IDJB": "Jawa Barat",
"IDJI": "Jawa Timur",
"IDJK": "Jakarta Raya",
"IDJT": "Jawa Tengah",
"IDKB": "Kalimantan Barat",
"IDKI": "Kalimantan Timur",
"IDKR": "Kepulauan Riau",
"IDKS": "Kalimantan Selatan",
"IDKT": "Kalimantan Tengah",
"IDKU": "North Kalimantan",
"IDLA": "Lampung",
"IDMA": "Maluku",
"IDMU": "Maluku Utara",
"IDNB": "Nusa Tenggara Barat",
"IDNT": "Nusa Tenggara Timur",
"IDPA": "Papua",
"IDPB": "Papua Barat",
"IDRI": "Riau",
"IDSA": "Sulawesi Utara",
"IDSB": "Sumatera Barat",
"IDSG": "Sulawesi Tenggara",
"IDSN": "Sulawesi Selatan",
"IDSR": "Sulawesi Barat",
"IDSS": "Sumatera Selatan",
"IDST": "Sulawesi Tengah",
"IDSU": "Sumatera Utara",
"IDYO": "Yogyakarta"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Indonesia. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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Thanks, Chris
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