We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Cambodia.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Cambodia. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"KH1": "Banteay Meanchey",
"KH10": "Kratie",
"KH11": "Mondul Kiri",
"KH12": "Phnom Penh",
"KH13": "Preah Vihear",
"KH14": "Prey Veng",
"KH15": "Pursat",
"KH16": "Ratanak Kiri",
"KH17": "Siemreap",
"KH18": "Preah Sihanouk",
"KH19": "Stung Treng",
"KH2": "Battambang",
"KH20": "Svay Rieng",
"KH21": "Takeo",
"KH22": "Oddar Meanchey",
"KH23": "Kep",
"KH24": "Pailin",
"KH25": "Tboung Khmum",
"KH3": "Kampong Cham",
"KH4": "Kampong Chhnang",
"KH5": "Kampong Speu",
"KH6": "Kampong Thom",
"KH7": "Kampot",
"KH8": "Kandal",
"KH9": "Koh Kong"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Cambodia. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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Thanks, Chris
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