We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Turkey.
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Turkey. Features include:
and id
in the source code.
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
"TR01": "Adana",
"TR02": "Adiyaman",
"TR03": "Afyonkarahisar",
"TR04": "Agri",
"TR05": "Amasya",
"TR06": "Ankara",
"TR07": "Antalya",
"TR08": "Artvin",
"TR09": "Aydin",
"TR10": "Balikesir",
"TR11": "Bilecik",
"TR12": "Bingöl",
"TR13": "Bitlis",
"TR14": "Bolu",
"TR15": "Burdur",
"TR16": "Bursa",
"TR17": "Çanakkale",
"TR18": "Çankiri",
"TR19": "Çorum",
"TR20": "Denizli",
"TR21": "Diyarbakir",
"TR22": "Edirne",
"TR23": "Elazig",
"TR24": "Erzincan",
"TR25": "Erzurum",
"TR26": "Eskisehir",
"TR27": "Gaziantep",
"TR28": "Giresun",
"TR29": "Gümüshane",
"TR30": "Hakkari",
"TR31": "Hatay",
"TR32": "Isparta",
"TR33": "Mersin",
"TR34": "Istanbul",
"TR35": "Izmir",
"TR36": "Kars",
"TR37": "Kastamonu",
"TR38": "Kayseri",
"TR39": "Kirklareli",
"TR40": "Kirsehir",
"TR41": "Kocaeli",
"TR42": "Konya",
"TR43": "Kütahya",
"TR44": "Malatya",
"TR45": "Manisa",
"TR46": "K. Maras",
"TR47": "Mardin",
"TR48": "Mugla",
"TR49": "Mus",
"TR50": "Nevsehir",
"TR51": "Nigde",
"TR52": "Ordu",
"TR53": "Rize",
"TR54": "Sakarya",
"TR55": "Samsun",
"TR56": "Siirt",
"TR57": "Sinop",
"TR58": "Sivas",
"TR59": "Tekirdag",
"TR60": "Tokat",
"TR61": "Trabzon",
"TR62": "Tunceli",
"TR63": "Sanliurfa",
"TR64": "Usak",
"TR65": "Van",
"TR66": "Yozgat",
"TR67": "Zinguldak",
"TR68": "Aksaray",
"TR69": "Bayburt",
"TR70": "Karaman",
"TR71": "Kinkkale",
"TR72": "Batman",
"TR73": "Sirnak",
"TR74": "Bartın",
"TR75": "Ardahan",
"TR76": "Iğdir",
"TR77": "Yalova",
"TR78": "Karabük",
"TR79": "Kilis",
"TR80": "Osmaniye",
"TR81": "Düzce"
Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Turkey. Features include:
GIS data visualized using MapLibre GL JS library.
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Thanks, Chris
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