Free Argentina SVG Maps | Resources

We've created multiple SVG maps for the country of Argentina.

Below is an SVG map of the country of Argentina. It has been cleaned and optimized for web use. Features include:

SVG Argentina Map Using Mercator Projection

Download SVG View Source GIS Customize Online as Interactive Map

Make this Argentina map interactive and customize it online!

Our software turns this static SVG map into a zoomable, clickable, mobile-friendly map like the one below. We make it easy to customize region colors, descriptions, urls etc. and add locations like the capital city, Buenos Aires, to your map. Get started now with our online customization tool.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

Included Administrative Regions

    "ARA": "Salta", 
    "ARB": "Buenos Aires", 
    "ARC": "Ciudad de Buenos Aires", 
    "ARD": "San Luis", 
    "ARE": "Entre Ríos", 
    "ARF": "La Rioja", 
    "ARG": "Santiago del Estero", 
    "ARH": "Chaco", 
    "ARJ": "San Juan", 
    "ARK": "Catamarca", 
    "ARL": "La Pampa", 
    "ARM": "Mendoza", 
    "ARN": "Misiones", 
    "ARP": "Formosa", 
    "ARQ": "Neuquén", 
    "ARR": "Río Negro", 
    "ARS": "Santa Fe", 
    "ART": "Tucumán", 
    "ARU": "Chubut", 
    "ARV": "Tierra del Fuego", 
    "ARW": "Corrientes", 
    "ARX": "Córdoba", 
    "ARY": "Jujuy", 
    "ARZ": "Santa Cruz"

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