Make this Bermuda map interactive and customize it online!
Our software turns this static SVG map into a zoomable, clickable, mobile-friendly map like the one below. We make it easy to customize region colors, descriptions, urls etc. to your map.
Get started now with our online customization tool.
{"BMDEV":"Devonshire","BMHA":"City of Hamilton","BMHAM":"Hamilton","BMPAG":"Paget","BMPEM":"Pembroke","BMSAN":"Sandys","BMSG":"City of Saint George","BMSGE":"Saint George's","BMSMI":"Smith's","BMSOU":"Southampton","BMWAR":"Warwick"}
Below is an SVG map of the country of Bermuda. It has been cleaned and optimized for web use. Features include:
Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (1.9 KB).
Make this Bermuda map interactive and customize it online!
Our software turns this static SVG map into a zoomable, clickable, mobile-friendly map like the one below. We make it easy to customize region colors, descriptions, urls etc. to your map.
Get started now with our online customization tool.