Make this Solomon Islands map interactive and customize it online!
Our software turns this static SVG map into a zoomable, clickable, mobile-friendly map like the one below. We make it easy to customize region colors, descriptions, urls etc. and add locations like the capital city, Honiara, to your map.
Get started now with our online customization tool.
{"SBCE":"Central","SBCH":"Choiseul","SBCT":"Capital Territory (Honiara)","SBGU":"Guadalcanal","SBIS":"Isabel","SBMK":"Makira","SBML":"Malaita","SBRB":"Rennell and Bellona","SBTE":"Temotu","SBWE":"Western"}
Below is an SVG map of the country of Solomon Islands. It has been cleaned and optimized for web use. Features include:
Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (17.9 KB).
Make this Solomon Islands map interactive and customize it online!
Our software turns this static SVG map into a zoomable, clickable, mobile-friendly map like the one below. We make it easy to customize region colors, descriptions, urls etc. and add locations like the capital city, Honiara, to your map.
Get started now with our online customization tool.