Locations | Documentation

You can make as many location markers as you like, but each location must have a unique id ('0', '1', '2', etc).

Location Properties (these overwrite the properties in the main settings)
name The name of the location.
lat The latitude of the location in decimal form.
lng The longitude of the location in decimal form.
color The location's color. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_color.
hover_color The location's color upon hover. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_hover_color.
description This will fill up the popup and can include HTML/CSS. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_description.
url The url when the location is clicked. (e.g. 'http://simplemaps.com'). If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_url.
hide 'yes' makes the location invisible.
inactive 'yes' will make hovering or clicking on a location have no effect. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.all_states_inactive
size The size of the location. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_size
type The shape of the location. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_type. ['image', 'circle', 'square', 'marker', 'triangle', 'heart', 'star', 'diamond']
image_url If type is set to 'image', this is the url where the image resides [e.g. 'https://simplemaps.com/images/frog.png'].
image_hover_url If type is set to 'image', this is the url where the image shown on hover resides [e.g. 'https://simplemaps.com/images/frog.png'].
opacity The opacity of the location. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_opacity. [0-1]
hover_opacity The opacity of the location upon hover. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_hover_opacity. [0-1]
border_color The location's border color. If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_border_color.
border Size of location border. (e.g. 2). If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_border.
hover_border Size of location border upon hover. (e.g. 2.5). If it exists, it will overwrite main_settings.location_hover_border.
scale If 'yes' the location's size will remain constant as the map zooms. 'yes' by default.
display Determines when the location will be visible. Options are: 'all', 'out', 'region', 'state'. Use of a zoom ratio [0-1], is also permitted. In the case of '.25', a location would be visible when the map had zoomed in such that the viewbox width was less than 25% of the initial view's width.
level The z-index position of the location. Larger numbers on top. (defaults: states: 0, lines: 2, labels: 3, locations: 5).

Location Pulses

Location markers that are not images can be made to pulse on hover.

pulse 'yes' will make the location pulse on hover. 'no' by default.
pulse_size The magnitude of the pulse. '4' by default.
pulse_speed The speed of the pulse in seconds. '.5' by default.
pulse_color The color of the pulse. The location color by default.

The above properties can be made main_settings defaults with the addition of the prefix 'location_'. [main_settings.location_pulse].

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